Scene.—Room in the house of the Minister. Large windows at back. Middle window opened to ground as door to garden. Door open. A clear night. Garden seen without. Beyond garden St. James's Park, with lake, etc. Buckingham Palace in distance. Doors right and left. Fireplace on left. Above mantelpiece a portrait in oils of a young and beautiful woman. A light shining on portrait. Nearer to footlights there is a desk, with electric lamp, etc. It is a night in late summer. Electric light burning.
A round table middle of room. Four gentlemen seated about it. Telephone bells, etc. Sir Robert Temple faces audience. He is about forty-five; has strong clean-shaven face. The others are men of varying ages.
When curtain rises there is a moment of silence. The conference is seen to be one of considerable gravity. Sir Robert touches bell on table. A manservant enters right.