Now it is not usual in the Navy to say "if you please" whenever you give an order. It would take up too much time. But Captain Corcoran was bound to obey the great man, though you will observe that the great man never said "if you please" when he addressed Captain Corcoran.
The Captain, looking as if he had just bitten a pill, said "Oh yes, of course. If you please."
And accordingly, Ralph Rackstraw took three paces to the front, and if ever a Captain in the Navy said "Bother" under his breath, Captain Corcoran was that man.
"You're a remarkably fine fellow," said Sir Joseph, addressing Ralph.
"Yes, your honour," replied Ralph, who was too well acquainted with his duty to presume to differ from the First Lord of the Admiralty.
"And a first-rate seaman, I'll be bound."
"There's not a smarter sailor in the Navy, your honour," said Ralph, "though I say it who shouldn't."
This sounds rather conceited of Ralph, but he had learnt from Captain Corcoran to speak the exact truth on all occasions. Besides, he wanted to convince Sir Joseph how right he was in the opinion he had formed.