< Page:The Pinafore Picture Book.djvu
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![<< \override Score.Rest #'style = #'classical
\override Score.BarNumber #'stencil = ##f
\new Staff { \time 6/8 \key ees \major \clef bass \partial 4.
g4. | c'4 b8 c'4 b8 | c'4 bes8 ees4 f8 | g2. | \break
c4 r8 r4 \stemUp d8 | \stemDown ees4 f8 g4 aes8 | bes4 c'8 bes4 g8 | f2. \bar "" }
\addlyrics { Kind Cap -- tain, I've im -- por -- tant in --
for -- ma -- tion __ Sing hey, the kind Com -- man -- der that you are __ }
\new GrandStaff <<
\new Staff { \key ees \major \relative c'' {
\override GrandStaff.BarLine #'allow-span-bar = ##f
r4 r8 | c4 b8 c4 b8 | c4 bes8 ees,4 f8 | g4. <d b> |
c r4 r8 | <ees bes g> r r q r r | q r r q r r | <d bes f> r s2 } }
\new Staff { \clef bass \key ees \major
r4 r8 | c'4 b8 c'4 b8 | c'4 bes8 ees4 f8 | g4. g, |
c r4 r8 | <ees ees,> r r q r r q r r q r r | bes, r s2 } >>
By special permission of the publishers, Metzler & Co., Ltd.
Good fellow, in conundrums you are speaking
(Sing hey, the mystic sailor that you are),
The answer to them vainly I am seeking
(Sing hey, the Merry Maiden and the Tar!).
Of course the Captain was completely puzzled, having no idea what Deadeye was alluding to. So Dick explained:
Kind Captain, your young lady is a sighing
(Sing hey, the simple Captain that you are),
This very night with Rackstraw to be flying
(Sing hey, the Merry Maiden and the Tar!).
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