too. Then said lie with the whip, it is Flatterer, a false apostle, that hath transformed himself into an angel of light. So he rent the net, and let the men out. Then said he to them, Follow me, that I may set you in your way again. So he led them back to the way which they had left to follow the Flatterer. Then he asked them, saying, Where did you lie the last night? They said, With the shepherds upon the Delectable Mountains. He asked them then if they had not of the shepherds a note of direction for the way. They answered, Yes. But did you not, said he, when you were at a stand, pluck out and read your note? They answered, No. He asked them, Why? They said they forgot. He asked, moreover, if the shepherds did not bid them beware of the Flatterer. They answered, Yes; but we did not imagine, said they, that this fine-spoken man was he.
Then I saw in my dream, that he commanded them to lie down; which, when they did, he chastised them sore, to teach them the good way wherein they should walk; and as he chastised them, he said, “As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten; be zealous, therefore, and repent.” This done, he bids them to go on their way, and take good heed to the other directions of the shepherds.
Now, after awhile, they perceived afar off, one coming softly and alone, all along the highway, to meet them. Then said Christian to his fellow, Yonder is a man with his back toward Zion, and he is coming to meet us.
Hope. I see him; let us take heed to ourselves now, lest he should prove a Flatterer, also. So he drew nearer and nearer, and at last came up to them. His name was Atheist, and he asked them whither they were going.
Chr. We are going to Mount Zion.