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Sae t' the Island n•tese two beautiful volumes, presenting the Greek and English translation in parallel columns, preceded by that denote exhaustive geographical and roeatch, are of deep interest and importance to the student of the Pcnplu•. text is that of Blancard: edit;on u as to adopt, because I could obtain no other to usc as copy. II, part I I, preface, p. xi). Vincent's textual emend.äfi.»ns are generally less useful tlun his geographical and commercial which are still, in large part, illuminating and and were, when written, the first intelli$nt pre.ent.uw»n of the sub. ject THE VOYAGE OF NEARCHCS ASD Sr„x (ascribed to Arnan), translated by Vincent. ()xford, 1809. UNTERsVCHVSGES VEBER "SZELSE (h- SCHICRTF, GIOGRAPHIE, .f/t$na, IS02. • I •his includes Vincent's Periplus, translated into German. SAM M LUNG 'ALTEN GEOGRAPHIE. C. ( Reichard. Rt;thard, I T)is includes Vincent•s work, pp. 374-425 and ARRIASO ()PVNOI.I, DA VARt. S. Blandi. DB I'sEVDO-ARRIA'.•s ERYTHRAI .lfttno-•- die wun t;ßrirrn im vat qvn Streulvlin Jahres-BcricÆt die StrmGti€r fir das Schuljahr •on Michaelis 1800 bis Michaelis I Sot, womit-—einladet C. Hartung. Berlin, l)ruck kethier, 1861. •his partial translation is based on the texts of Stuck. Ilud• son and Borheck, and is of little value. ARRIA?€J ALEXANDRISi PERIPLVS AMARIs ER'T'IRAI. brrtv• annotatism• instruxit B. Gtt-

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