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ARRIANI Hisrongcu ET PHILOSOPHI PONTI EuxiN1& NIARts ERYTHRÆi AD ADRIANUM CÆSARF.M. unc Primum c Grau germent in l„alixum t ersus, Plurimusqut mendis repurgatus. Jo. lit/mo SttrÆio Tigtm;ne at'thore. Genet"t•, apod Evstathivm / 'Qnon, 1577. e rhis text is based on that of Gelenius, with few rnaterial emendations. ARRIA'+O ARS •rACTICA, AclF-s CONTRA A 1.A.sos, PERIPLUS Pos•ll Et•xrsr, PERIP1.es IMAR1s ERVTilRÆ1, 1.1 BER DE etc., etc. Cum Interpretibus Latinis, ,Vuis. Ex Reccnsione {Y ,Vico/ai Blancardi, Mmstt14dam;, Janssonio-ll 'arsbcrgii, 168.3. • l*his text is professedly based on that of Stuck. GEOGRAPHJÆ VETERIS SCRIPTORLS GR,æu Xli.scnus. Cum biter- Ptttatione Latina, Dissertationibur, ac dnncta:hnibus. Oxonice. E ( Pra•stitit Joannes Hud- T heatrv Shddoniano, I)issenationes Henrici l)odwelli. ) sonus. •his contains as its fifth title, Pcr;phts Maris cide•m (årriano ) vulp adscriptus. Interprete Guilielmo Stuckio Tigurino. The text is based on Gelenius and Stuck. SY. LOGB Eprr0Mt•.1 TOIS PALA] typc;s '{dothent;m Philotbnii dapane:; tin t.x banninbn Philogenestat;n add- Phin ZOSIM IADÖ.N charin tin paideias rphitmcn;n HdlöÆn. En Bienni is Mustr;as ek Typographias, 1807. It contains, pp. 295-3.33 Mrrianou Periplcus E'Tthras Thalass;s, with notes translated from Eludson. FLAVII ARRIANI NICOMEDIESSIS OPERA GRÆCE ad ePtimas editione•s cdlata. Studio Mugusti Christiani Borhzck. lampoviæ, Alc.vcr, 1809. This contains, pp. 91-121, Mrrianeu Pcr;plous L'rylhras 'l'halass;s. e I •he text is from Hudson. THE PERIPLUS OF ERYI'HRE.AN SEA. Part the first, containing: Jccount of the av;gation of the Ancients, Jnm the Sca of Suez to the Coast of 7mwutbar. l) issertations. By iVilliatn Vin- cent. London: Caddl, June, l)at'it$, 1800. COMMERCE AND NAVIGATION OF THE AsclEN•rs IN •rHE INDIAN ()CEAN. lJ'iIIiam I 'incent, I). l). , I han of l/ •eslminstcr. In two volumes. I..ondon: Caddl I)avirs, 1807. Vol. l, •F/" I 'a•age of Nearchus. Vol. I l, 'l •hc Prriplus of the lio•threan *Sca. Part the first containing, vin Mccount of the uVavipatien e/ • jhe Hnci«nts from the of Suez 10 the cmst 7anpuJar.

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