Holy Thursday as much a holiday as Christmas, and the people strongly urged to observe it according to the custom of Holy Church. It may help towards this ideal if the day is chosen for some guild or club feast.
Whitsuntide (Eve) is a proper occasion for the administration of Solemn Baptism (see p. 170).
The Dedication Festival should be kept on the first Sunday in October with an octave; except, perhaps, where the actual date of the dedication is known.
All Souls Day, which follows All Saints' Day, has some authority for its observance (p. 203). A Eucharist for the repose of the departed[1] might certainly be said on this day; and it may be useful to preach a sermon in the evening. If the people are unprejudiced, they will be grateful for this opportunity of remembering their departed friends.
Ember Days. The Ember Day collects are directed by the rubric after Prayers and Thanksgivings to be said before the two final prayers of the Litany, or of Morning and Evening Prayer. Special forms for the Communion are sanctioned, and can be obtained from the S.P.C.K. There are special post-communions in the Ordination services.
On the Patronal Festival a station may be made, in the procession, before the altar of the patron saint, if there be one, all standing while the collect for the saint is said. Before the collect the priest censes the altar and then says 'Let us pray.'
- ↑ With the Burial Service Collect, 'Almighty God with whom,' and the epistle and gospel 1 Thess. iv. 13 to end, and John xi. 21-28.