mention of his name and dwell generously
on his achievements. Although dead a half-century, it is only within the last few years that his work has come to be duly appreciated, monuments erected in his honor, and memorials of learning raised to his memory. The political strife and religious bigotry which cast a cloud over his latter days have passed away, and he stands out today in bold relief, as the first man in the history of Oregon and the Pacific Northwest. He was truly one of the noblest men who ever gave a life of labor in the spread of American civilization.
Mr. Holman has made little attempt to
avail himself of the opportunities for literary effect to be found in a subject so replete with romance, but has given a valuable and conscientious contribution to
the history of the Northwest. A good half
of the book is devoted to illustrative documents referred to in the text, valuable
data to which the interested reader could
only otherwise have access with difficulty.
The Arthur H, Clark Company, Cleveland,
Ohio, $2.50.
WYOMING, by William McLeod Raine. "Gone into the fourth edition." While not an ambitious story, nor a labored char- acter novel, it is thoroughly enjoyable as light reading. The characters are sketched vigorously, the movement swift, and the style easy and natural. G. W. Dillingham & Company, New York 11.50.
LIFE AND WRITINGS OF WILLIAM LAW SYMONDS, compiled and edited by William Winter, and privately printed for Joseph W, Symonds, represents a labor of love, rescuing from obscurity a literary reputation, not at any time extensive, though within a limited circle unquestion- ably brilliant at Mr, Symonds* death forty- six years ago. It is the record of a beau- tiful life, early cut short, but full of worthy achievements, and its perusal is not without profit and inspiration.
THE WHITE TRAIL, by Alex. MacDon- ald, claims to be a story from life, "not a single character mentioned therein has been created to fulfill the purposes of the Btory-tellers' art." It is a lively tale of early" days in the Klondike, full of the ro- mantic, much hardship, gun play and other melodramatic accessories. Something of the order of those fascinating old stories we used to read when we were boys about "Life Among the Bushwhackers," and "Adventures in Australia." The author Insists that the story deals with actual facts about actual people, that the many incidents throughout may be accepted as having actually occurred. Of course the knowledge that one is reading real his- tory may add interest to a story, but "The White Trail" hardly needs any such crutch to lean on. It is graphically told, whole- eome in effect, and entertaining.
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