VOL. LXXV...No. 24,796 | NEW YORK, DECEMBER 14, 1925, MONDAY.—PAGES. |
Gilbert Reports the Budget Balanced and Currency Stabilized as its First Effects.
Reparations of 1,000,000,000 Marks Distributed, but No Cash Has Left Germany.
Press Clamor of Commercial Crisis is Minimized—Extravagance of Federal States Criticized.
Copyright, 1925, by The New York Times Company.
By Wireless to The New York Times.
BERLIN, Dec. 13.—Germany's progress along the path toward economic normalcy is painted in hopeful colors by Seymour Parker Gilbert, Agent General for Reparations Payments, in a voluminous report on the first year's workings of the Dawes plan, addressed to the Reparations Commission under date of Nov. 30 and issued here for publication today.
Mr. Gilbert's optimism about the Reich's future is tempered with caution, however. Nowhere in the eighty-one printed pages comprising the report and its annexed "exhibits" does one find anything like a direct prophecy about the ultimate fulfillment of the "plan of the First Committee of Experts." The Agent General implies a large measure of faith in the capacity and willingness of Germany to carry out her obligations, but he refrains from definitely predicting that she will do so.
German application of the experts' recommendations, he finds, has produced two beneficial results: It has lifted this country out of the slough of monetary and economic despond and restored stable currency and budgetary equilibrium to the German State; and it has cleared the way for Germany's recovery of her pre-war prosperity, while at the same time permitting her to bear her reparations burden.
Press Alarmists Controverted.
Mr. Gilbert, in effect, controverts the clamor of a commercial crisis resounding throughout the German press. He admits that in certain quarters "conditions are approaching a crisis." but deems these to signify merely a "further stage of readjustment." Germany's adverse balance of foreign trade is not as bad as it is described in official statistics, he intimates, and her credit troubles are being overcome slowly but surely.
In his view, tariff and other barriers against German invasion of foreign markets constitute perhaps the greatest immediate obstacle to the Reich's wellbeing; but these, too, are being gradually leveled, and the Agent General's conclusions formulated as the final section of his report are as follows.
"The adoption of the experts' plan by agreement between Germany and the allied powers represented a decision in favor of a rational sentiment on the reparations problem and an election at the same time in favor of the peaceful reconstruction of Europe. The experts themselves in concluding their report have said that the 'reconstruction of Germany is not an end in itself; it is only part of the larger problem of the reconstruction of Europe.' In considering, therefore, the progress of the plan it is appropriate to think of it in relation to the general problem of European reconstruction, as well as in terms of the rehabilitation of Germany.
"From the point of view of German reconstruction it is already clear that the plan marked the determining point in the recovery from the disorder and disorganization of inflation, and that developments since its adoption are to be estimated in terms of the part they have played in readjustment to stable conditions and the restoration of German economy to a productive state.
Many Difficulties Yet to Face.
"It is clear, also, from the review that has been given of business and credit conditions that the road to recovery has not been fully traveled and that many difficulties remain to be overcome. At the same time it would be wrong to overlook the progress that has already been made under the plan. To appreciate this sufficiently one must think back to conditions as they were before its adoption and remember that fog that enveloped the whole situation before the plan went into effect.
"The plan realized during the first year its two essential preliminary objects; that is to say, a balanced budget and stable currency. Without these it was impossible to look forward to the recovery of German business and industry. The budget, in fact, has been rather more than balanced, and for the time being at least the Government has instead, and on a unique scale, the reverse problem of the wise management of public funds. As for the currency, its stability has been fully maintained according to both internal and external standards, and buyers and sellers alike have again been able to do business with the assurance that stability implies.
"Side by side with the achievement of these two objects, the output and distribution of goods, according to available figures, have considerably exceeded the experience of the immediately preceding
Continued on Page Six.
CAROLINA-FLORIDA SPECIAL—3:10 P. M. daily, Thru sleepers Southern Pines, Pinehurst, N. C.; Camden, S. C. Also Florida Resorts, Seaboard, 142 W. 42nd St.—Advt.
Amplifiers in the Lords Check Side Remarks by Peers
LONDON, Dec. 13 (AP).—Members of the House of Lords must be on guard against making side remarks which are not intended for the assembly at large, for, since amplifiers were placed in the House the slightest whisper can be heard in the furthest corners of the great room.
In the old days a speaker could be heard with difficulty unless he shouted, and there was a constant general exchange of remarks by members who paid little attention to the business of the day.
But a member who now quietly remarks to a neighbor that some speaker is a "silly old fool" does so at the peril of having every newspaper man in the gallery hear him quite distinctly.
House Will Begin Today a Discussion of the Provisions in Detail.
American Automobile Association's Plea for Full Repeal is Expected to Be Rejected.
Special to The New York Times.
WASHINGTON, Dec. 13.—With "general oratory" out of the way, the real business of dealing with the new tax reduction bill will begin in the house tomorrow when, under a rule limiting speeches to not more than five minutes, members will discuss the various provisions of the measure.
The bill will be passed by an overwhelming majority and sent to the Senate by the end of the week, this being assured because all except a few Democrat and the insurgents will join the Republicans in supporting it in virtually the same shape. It now assumes, if there are any changes, they will be of comparatively small consequence.
There has been some criticism of the new surtax and estate tax schedules, but no one now believes they will be altered in any particular. The strong opposition to a 20 per cent. surtax when the original "Mellon bill" was presented in 1924 has died out. The House also is convinced that the estate tax schedules must be reduced to a like figure, although it will not sanction any move to repeal the Federal estate taxes, no matter how determined the pressure may be.
Finis Garrett, the Democratic leader, brought up yesterday a point that may cause unexpected debate on one item of the bill, when he declared he could not sanction the granting of life tenure to members of the Board of Tax Appeals. Mr. Garrett's argument that life tenure instead of a specified term would establish a dangerous precedent seemed to impress a considerable number of members of the House.
Amendments will be introduced this week to repeal the remaining 3 per cent. tax on passenger automobiles, but it is declared these will not get far, the manufacturers of cars having told the Ways and Means Committee they would be satisfied if it were agreed to allow the 2 per cent. tax cut to apply to all cars stocked by dealers a the time the reduction became effective.
Complete elimination of all war excise taxes on motor vehicle tires, accessories and parts, instead of the partial relief provided for in the pending revenue bill, is urged by the American Automobile Association. The attitude of the association, representing the interests of 18,000,000 owners of motor vehicles, including trucks and buses, was set forth by Thomas P. Henry, President of the association, in a letter to Chairman Green of the Ways and Means Committee.
Mr. Henry declares there are no Federal taxes that affect a greater number of persons than those on tires, parts, accessories, trucks and passenger automobiles. The first four are eliminated in the bill, while only a 2 per cent. reduction is made in the last. The association, he says, feels that Congress should repeal the entire tax. Stress is laid by Mr. Henry on the growing bus transportation system, and he argues that the passenger auto tax lays a heavy burden on the new system, while taxes on all other methods of transportation have been dropped.
New York Dog That Keeps Watch on Sea Believed Lone Survivor of a Liquor Ship
The owner of the brown and white collie that appeared on the Maine Coast near Biddeford last week during a severe storm, and at every opportunity ran to a bluff over the sea as though looking for a ship, was found here yesterday in the person of Harry Fischer of 75 Second Street. Fischer said the dog has been stolen from him in the Catskills last Summer, probably by bootleggers. It was believed from this that the dog might have been the only survivor of a rum ship wrecked in the storm off the Maine Coast.
Fischer manages the Columbia Hotel in South Fallsburg, N. Y., each Summer. He is now employed as a caterer for the Chateau de Luxe at 575 Prospect Avenue, the Bronx. The ownership of the dog was traced to him through the New York license found on the collie's collar.
When Fischer was questioned in the Bronx last night, he expressed delight at the finding of the dog.
"I sure want to get my pet back. Of course I can't go up to get him, but I am going to arrange some way to have him returned," he said.
The collie is about one and one-half years old and named "Dan." Fischer obtained the animal from a farmer near the hotel. He said the collie was friendly with every one and particularly with the children who spent the Summer at the hotel in South Fallsburg.
It was only the day before the dog disappeared, said Fischer, that the license tag which made identification possible was put on the collar. The next day the dog wandered away from the children with whom he was playing and did not return.
Fischer said that rum-runners often passed the hotel on automobile trucks, and he said he immediately concluded that "Dan" had been carried off by one of them.
CUBA, MIAMI: PENN.-ATLANTIC COAST Line. "Havana Special." Seven other trains provide thru service daily to Florida points. 1,246 B'way. Tel. Lackawanna, 7080,—Advt.
Special Committee Says We Do Not Realize Importance of Air Power.
Annual Expenditure of $10,000,000 by Each Service for Next Five Years Advised.
Congress is Urged to Determine Respective Fields of Operation of Services.
Special to The New York Times.
WASHINGTON, Dec. 13.—"An alarming situation still exists in the Army and Navy Air Services," states the report which will be submitted to the House tomorrow by its special committee appointed last March to investigate aircraft conditions.
The report, now made public for the first time, declares that "a failure on the part of these services duly to appreciate the importance of air power is responsible for this condition." The "alarming" situation is held to apply to shortage of flying personnel and equiptment.
The army and navy are found to have been "very conservative if not backward in recognizing the great importance of air power."
In comparison with other nations as to air power strength the United States is declared to rank "not higher than third nor lower than fifth."
Says Morale Has Deteriorated
Asserting that although almost $40,000,000 has been spent for improvement of the services it has deteriorated in both morale and equipment so far as the army and navy are concerned, the report takes sharp issue in the recommendations with the report of President Coolidge's air board.
The principal recommendations of the House committees are for the creation of a Department of National Defense headed by a a civilian secretary, and the expenditure by the army and navy each of $10,000,000 a year for the next five years in the improvement of their air services; designation by Congress of the specific fields of operation of the army and navy; separation of the procurement of equipment from the Government service and the creation of a single department in charge of such procurement; regulation of commercial flying by the Department of Commerce; remedies for inequalities and injustices suffered by aviation officers of the army and navy and that the air services of army and navy be represented on the general staff of the former and the General Board of the Navy.
The committee finds the United States far in the rear of other nations in the development of commercial aviation, assigning as reasons thereafter lack of encouraging legislation and aircraft facilities and the failure of the Government to ratify the international air convention.
The report is signed by all nine members of the committee, Representatives Lampert of Wisconsin, Chairman; Vestal of Indiana, Perkins of New Jersey, Faust of Missouri and Reid of Illinois, Republicans; Lea of California, Prall of New York, O'Sullivan of Connecticut and Rogers of New Hampshire, Democrats.
Mr. Reid, who is chief counsel for Colonel William E. Mitchell in the latter's trial before an army court-martial, submitted a special concurring report, in which he advocated a program more in keeping with the proposals of Colonel Mitchell than is favored by the whole committee.
Text of Recommendations
The recommendations are as follows:
- That the Federal Government cease competing with civilian aircraft industry in the construction of aircraft, engines and accessories.
- That means be provided whereby the inventor who alleges violation of his patents by the Government may apply for relief other than by resort to the Court of Claims.
- That procurement be separated from operation in all Government air services.
- That one single governmental agency have sole charge of procurement of aircraft, engines and equip-
Continued on Page Four.
New Orleans Syndicate Buys Huylers, Inc.; $7,500,000 Raised to Expand Candy Business
Special to The New York Times.
NEW ORLEANS, La., Dec. 13—Huylers, Inc., candy manufacturers of New York, has been purchased by a Southern syndicate to which $7,500,000 has been subscribed and will be taken over Jan. 2, it was announced tonight.
Heading the syndicate are Rudolf S. Hecht, President of the Hibernis Bank and Trust Company; Fred W. Evans, President and General Manager of D. H. Holmes Company; Irvin Fuerst, former head of the Fuerst & Kraemer of this scity, and now of New York; Percy H. Johnston, President of the Chemical National Bank of New York, and H. B. Baruch of Henry Hents and Co., New York.
The syndicate subscription, it is announced, is sufficient to cover the purchase price and to provide ample capital for expansion, which is planned on a large scale. The program includes the construction of branch factories, of which the first will probably be in New Orleans; the opening of new Huyler retain stores all over the country.
Mr. Hecht, who led the syndicate that reorganized the Southern Cotton Oil Company recently, will be Chairman of the board. Mr. Fuerst will be President in complete charge of operations and management, and Mr. Evans will be one of the Vice Presidents. Associated with the new company as directors will be A. D. Geogahan, President of the Wesson Oil and Snowdrift Company, which succeeds the Southern Cotton Oil Company, and Meler Elsemann, New Orleans realtor, who, with H. Clifford Bangs of Washington, was instrumental in bringing together the principals of the recent negotiations.
Irvin Fuerst, the new head of Huyler, has had long experience in the candy business. The executive offices and main factories of Huylers will remain in New York, where Mr. Fuerst's headquarters will be established.
Huylers was established fifty years ago. It has large factories in New York, Chicago, Boston and other cities, and operated a chain of fifty-five retail stores.
The business was closely owned by the Huyler family, and was incorporated recently. At that time there was talk of a merger with Schrafft's, Inc. The deal, just closed, however, assures its continuation as a separate business with no other affiliations.
Percy H. Johnston, President of the Chemical National Bank, at his home in Montclair last night said that he had agreed some time ago to take a substantial financial interest in the syndicate which had arranged to acquire the Huyler organization, but added that he had no official information as to whether the deal had been closed. Herman B. Baruch could not be reached at his home last night. Frank DeK Huyler, President of the company which bears the family name, said that he had no comment to make a this time. Coulter D. Huyler, Secretary and Treasurer of the company, could not be reached.
Rumor Rhat Report Will Show Only 5,900,000 Displeases Democratic Leaders.
They Charge There Has Been Carelessness in Democratic Centres, Full Count Up-State.
On unofficial information that the State census will return a population for New York City of little more than 5,900,000. Democratic leaders are planning to ask Mayor-elect Walker to have a recount and to start a movement to abolish the State census as unnecessary and extravagant and to depend hereafter upon the Federal census for apportionment of the State into Assembly and Senatorial districts.
The revival of the Democratic movement to abolish the State census is based upon the suspicion that there has been carelessness in the Democratic centres of population and a full count in the rural Republican sections, with the result that under the apportionments to be made under the census Republican control of the Legislature will be made more certain.
Senator Bernard Downing, who is scheduled to succeed Mayor-elect Walker as minority leader of the Senate, said he was ready to sponsor a resolution to amend the Constitution to abolish the State census as wasteful, generally inaccurate and an entirely unnecessary expense.
"Why have the New York City returns been held up for six months?" Senator Downing said. "It appears that every small town up-State has been gaining in population, so that Republican legislative supremacy will be maintained. If the State census gives only 5,900,000 population for New York City, I have no hesitancy in saying that it is too low."
The Board of Health's estimate of population is approximately 6,100,000, and Dr. William H. Guilfoy, Director of the Bureau of Vital Statistics, said this estimate was probably very nearly correct.
"I have no faith in a census taken under political auspices," he said. "In 1915 the State census was too low. If the figure is no higher than now predicted, I believe the city should make a count of its own."
Lafayette B. Gleason, Director of the Census, who is also Secretary of the Republican State Committee, said that the check-up of the New York City enumeration had not been completed and that no figure had been made public.
"I expected criticism," he said, "but hardly before the figures were made public. It should be remembered that the suburban sections have increased greatly in population, particularly Nassau and Westchester Counties. Then, too, the immigration has fallen off greatly and was 5,000,000 less during the last decade than during the decade preceding. It would be entirely natural in view of these facts if New York City did not show the increase in population that is expected by some persons."
Suffolk County Shows Big Gain.
Special to The New York Times.
ALBANY, N.Y., Dec. 13.—The greatest growth ever made by Suffolk County, a gain of 32,962, is indicated in the census figures which were made public today by Mrs. Florence E. S. Knapp, Secretary of State. They show that Suffolk County now has a population of 143,208. The growth in the past five years is about five times the gain made by the county between 1915 and 1920, which amounted to 5,904.
In the past twenty-five years Suffolk County's population has just about doubled, the county having a population in 1900 of 77,582. There was a gain of 4,071 between 1900 and 1905, with a further growth of 14,485 during the next
Continued on Page Eight.
HARRY COLLINS, Art in Dress, 23 East 56th St. Palm Beach Collection.—Advt.
Authorities There Hold an Open Mind on Authenticity of "Roman-Jewish" Objects.
He Questions Whether Articles Could Have Been "Planted," as Lime Rock Enclosed Them.
From a Staff Correspondent of The New York Times.
TUSCON, Ariz., Dec. 13—The prevailing opinion in university circles and among other well-informed persons here is that the discovery of leaden crosses, swords and other articles bearing Latin and Hebraic inscriptions in the Santa Cruz Valley, seven miles from this city, if not a complete hoax, indicate nothing more than that the relics were left by explorers and missionaries in Arizona in the sixteenth century or later.
Except for a small group, no one believes the story that the articles were left by Europeans who preceded Columbus to America by seven centuries. The theory that an expedition of Roman Jews came to America in the eighth century, and left these relics as a history of their settlement here, is generally regarded as a fantastic and absurd dream, with little scientific or logical support.
Dr. C. H. Marvin, President of the University of Arizona, said today that the university does not sponsor the story sent out from here by the discoverers to the effect that the relics indicate Roman Jews came to Arizona in 775 A. D., and remained here until 900 A. D.
"The university does not stand sponsor for the story as presented," said Dr. Marvin. "Our attitude is that we are going to work on the problem to prove or disprove it. I think most of the people interested in this area are keeping an open mind until we receive further substantiating evidence."
Until now University of Arizona Professors of Archaeology and Latin have been working on the discoveries as individuals, but the university has not officially taken up the investigation. It probably will do so after the first of January from both the archaeological and geological viewpoints.
To Determine Rock Bed's Age.
The crux of the problem appears to lie in the geological age of the formation in which the articles have been found. University geologists will endeavor to determine whether the articles were "planted" in the limestone here within recent years, or, if the discoveries are genuine, the approximate century in which they were left there.
So far, the only geological investigation has been made by Dr. Clifton J. Sarle, a Yale graduate, who was Professor of Geology at the University of Arizona for eight years, but ended his connection with the university three years ago. It was felt that he was not well equipped for teaching, although regarded as an excellent field geologist. Dr. Sarle is now employed as an expert by mining companies in Arizona.
Dr. Sarle is the only scientific man here who supports the theory of a pre-Columbus expedition to America by Roman Jews. He is joined in this conclusion by Mrs. Laura Coleman Ostrander, who is described by the discoverers as "historian of Tuscon," but who is merely a history teacher in the Tuscon public schools.
The discoverers themselves are not scientists or authorities. They are Charles E. Manier and Thomas W. Bent, ex-service men who contracted tuberculosis in the war and came out here five years ago as totally disabled veterans.
No one here accuses Messrs. Manier and Bent, Dr. Sarle or Mrs. Ostrander
Continued on Page Ten.
New Year's Eve Carnival at Briarcliff Lodge. Tel. Briarcliff 1640. Reservations now! Come for holidays. Winter rates.—Advt.
Great Crowd Gives Thanks for Treaties—Many Nations Represented.
Dr. Butler Says We Are Held Back by Irreconcilables Defying the People's Will.
Sees Entrance as Good-Will Sign—Colorful Procession Precedes Impressive Ceremony.
A solemn service of thanksgiving for the signing of the treaties of Locarno and in the interest of international peace was held at the Cathedral of St. John the Divine yesterday afternoon. In the colorful procession which marched into the cathedral from the old synod house were military officers bearing the flags of the seven nations which signed the treaties, representatives of all the Protestant denominations, Bishops of the Eastern Orthodox Church, clergy of the diocese and officer and trustees of the cathedral.
Every seat was taken long before the service began at 4 o'clock and many in the aisles and galleries and jammed the chapels. Among the 4,000 persons present were the Consuls of a score of nations, American army officers, Supreme Court Judges, public officials and prominent men and women in many walks of life.
The speakers were Bishop William T. Manning, President Nicholas Murray Butler of Columbia University and John W. Davis, former Ambassador from the United States to Great Britain.
Urge We Enter World Court.
In vigorous language the speakers urged American adherence to the World Court. Bishop Manning prayed that America might move forward to take her place in sharing the work of the world without delay.
"From this great representative gathering we send to the Senate of the United States the message that a small group of irreconcilables shall not be allowed to hold back America from the service that she owes the world," he declared; "that the judgment and the conscience of our people are with our President in this matter and that our participation with the forty-eight other nations in the World Court must no longer be delayed."
Bishop Manning read a message from President Coolidge commending the gathering.
Dr. Butler Sees Defiance.
President Butler was unsparing in his criticism of the "irreconcilables," whom he attacked as "a very small group of the office-holding class, placed by accident and legislative seniority in a position where custom permits them to play a very large part in the disposition of such questions," and he charged them with "defying the will and betraying the interests of the American people."
Dr. Butler put the question as to whether a "small group of officeholders" was "to be permitted indefinitely to defy public opinion and to hide itself behind the rules and conventions and courtesies of a legislative body which the people have elected to do their will?"
He answered it by quoting the immortal words of Cicero in exposing the conspiracy of Cataline in the Roman Senate, and concluded, "The time has come for the Government at Washington to produce a Cicero."
Mr. Davis joined with the other speakers in praising the signing of the treaties of Locarno. He appealed to all Americans, whether Democrats or Republicans, whether from the North or South or East or West, to follow the leadership of the President in demanding the prompt adhesion of America to the protocol of the World Court. He drew a picture of America as having been entrusted with many talents, and concluded by asking, "And when the dread arbitrament shall come, what will America show for her talents to the Lord of all the earth and the Judge of all the nations?"
When the procession filed into the Cathedral to the music of the processional hymn rendered by the organist, Miles Farrow, it was observed that the flag of Germany, for the first time since the war, was being borne into the edifice
Continued on Page Two.
Only Jane Austen Manuscript Acquired by British Museum
Copyright, 1925, by The New York Times Co.
Special Cable to The New York Times.
LONDON, Dec. 13.—The only to be in existence, consisting of the final two chapters of the first draft of "Persuasion" has been acquired by the British museum.
The manuscript reveals that the author wrote neatly but rapidly, and made many corrections. She used sheets of notepaper size.
It is understood that an edition of these two chapters, wherein everything decipherable will be recorded, will be published. The manuscript of the last chapter is practically the same as the definitive printed version.
Completion of Library Fund is Announced by Dr. Butler and Secreary Hoover.
Sum Made Up of Small Gifts From American Students, Teachers, Police and Women's Clubs.
The American fund of $1,000,000 to rebuild the historic Library of Louvain University in Belgium, which was pillaged and burned in the World War, was announced as completed yesterday by Herbert Hoover, Secretary of Commerce, and Dr. Nichols Murray Butler, President of Columbia University. The close of the drive was marked by an additional gift of $382,500 by the Commission for Relief in Belgium Educational Foundation, of which Mr. Hoover is President, bringing the commission's total to $432,500. The grand total now assured, it was said, would not only restore the library but also provide a trust of $125,000 for its upkeep.
Authority was accordingly cabled yesterday to resume the reconstruction of the Louvain Library, which was halted a week ago with only $500,000 officially in sight. Another half million dollars had been needed to complete the work on the desired scale. The initial $500,000 had been raised by an American committee headed by Dr. Butler, but when the cost of construction was found to be greater than the original estimates Dr. Butler informed the authorities at Louvain last January that the committee had taxed the full capacity of its available list of small donors.
Appealed to Hoover
The Belgians appealed to Secretary Hoover to undertake the raising of the balance. He obtained personal contribution amounting to $292,000, it was announced, which included an additional donation from the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, of which Dr. Butler is head, and which brought the Carnegie Endowment gift to a total of $157,000. The $382,500 gift which finally clinched the success of the drive was voted by the Commission for Relief in Belgium Educational Foundation at its December meeting last week.
The million-dollar fund as a whole, the joint announcement of Secretary Hoover and Dr. Butler yesterday said, "represents gifts of a few pennies each from more than half a million American school children and school teachers; gifts of one dollar or more from students of practically every college, university, academy and preparatory school in the country; from the police forces of several cities, including in excess of $8,000 from New York's 'finest'; from fire departments, also including several thousand dollars from New York City; from professorial and alumni associations, library staffs, women's clubs and a vast number of individuals. The Carnegie Endowment for International Peace made a large contribution at the inception of the work to cover cost of collection, and the staff did the clerical work free of cost."
Dr. Butler Directed Fund
"Dr. Butler was asked," a statement said, "to undertake the task of rebuilding the library as an expression of friendship from American students of all ages, regardless of racial origin or religious faith, to Belgian students who had been despoiled by war of their centuries-old library. The library was planned as a magnificent monument to this purpose."
The Executive Committee of the fund in New York included Bishop William T. Manning, Cardinal (then Archbishop) Hayes, Darwin P. Kingsley, Thomas W. Lamont, Herbert Putnam, Justice Victor J. Dowling, George Barr Baker and Henry S. Haskell. Group committees of men and women of equal standing in other communities assisted in its work.
The plans for restoring the library were drawn by Warren & Wetmore of New York City. The work is now about one-half completed, and the entire building is expected to be dedicated in the Summer of 1927 in celebration of the five hundredth anniversary of the founding of the University of Louvain, it was announced yesterday.
Eleonora Sears, Walking to Boston on Wager, Goes 4 Miles from Providence in 45 Minutes
PROVIDENCE, R. I., Monday Dec. 14 (AP).—Miss Eleonora Sears, well-known in Boston society, began to walk from Providence to Boston soon after 1 o'clock this morning, on a wager that she could cover the distance by foot in 14 hours.
She reached Pawtucket, a distance of almost four miles, at 1:45 o'clock, having made the distance at better than five miles an hour. [The distance from Providence to Boston is about 45 miles.]
Roger Cutler and Albert Hinckley, both of Boston, accompanied Miss Sears.
Before her start she explained that the wager had been made more than a year ago and that it stipulated that the walk should be made in the Autumn and the distance traveled in fifteen hours. She started once before to try to win the wager, but was forced to abandon the walk by a blizzard.
Miss Sears had planned to start from the Biltmore Hotel here, but changed her plans at the last minute and took a cab to the residence of HOward O. Sturges, 177 Power Street, and began her walk from there immediately.
Both the man accompanying Miss Sears announced their intention of walking with her as far as they could and then riding in a beach wagon, which is following the pedestrians.
Newspaper men are the only other companions of Miss Sears.
Miss Sears is known as an expert tennis player and horsewoman.
She has previously demonstrated that she can maintain a three-mile-an-hour stride. In the spring of 1912 she walked 109 miles, from Burlingame to Del Monte, Cal., and maintained this average pace to win a wager of $200. She fainted at the end of the journey but said this was because of a guideboard which she misread as indicating that she had eight miles more to go.
TAKE BELL-ANS AFTER MEALS for Perfect Digestion.—Advt.
Statement Indicates He Will Urge the Legislature to Declare Industry a Public Utility
SEES 40,000,000 INVOLVED
Assailing Operators for Refusing His Arbitration Plan, He Says They Are Warring on Public.
Action Sought on Camden Bridge, Election Frauds, Prohibition and Giant Power
Special to The New York Times.
HARRISBURG, Pa., Dec. 13.—Governor Pinchot announced tonight that he would call a special session of the Legislature tomorrow to declare the anthracite coal industry a public utility and to provide for regulation by the Public Service Commission or some other State agency. This is his answer to the operators who have rejected his peace proposals.
The Governor said that he would issue the proclamation the first thing in the morning, calling the legislature together on Jan. 13. The coal strike situation is one of eight subjects he desires the General Assembly to consider. The Constitution provides that in calling extraordinary sessions the Executive must list the subjects to be considered.
The subjects are:
- Revision of the election laws.
- Regulation of the anthracite coal business.
- Revision of banking and building and loan association laws.
- Additional laws for prohibition enforcement.
- Provision for additional facilities for the collection of the State gasoline taxes.
- Adjustment of the Pennsylvania and New Jersey differences over the Philadelphia-Camden bridge.
- Laws providing for the carrying out of the Pinchot giant power plans.
- Approval of Delaware River Tri-State compact with the State of New York and New Jersey.
"Abuses have arisen in this Commonwealth," the Governor said in a statement he issued explanatory of his proclamation, "so dangerous to our form of government and so threatening to the welfare of the people that they must be taken in hand with vigor and without delay."
Sees 40,000,000 People Affected.
The reference to the anthracite coal strike in the proclamation is brief, but in the Governor's statement he explains in more detail his purpose to regulate the industry through an appropriate State agency. This would mean the making of the industry an public utility such as are water and natural gas companies, which come under the supervision of the Public Service Commission. Authorization of compacts with other anthracite consuming States for interstate regulation is also provided for.
"The present suspension in the anthracite region," the statement says, "is a matter of the largest and most pressing importance not only to Pennsylvania but to all of the 40,000,000 anthracite-using people of America. It amounts to a dangerous crisis which must be met with promptness and courage.
"In an effort to settle the strike, as Governor of Pennsylvania I invited the negotiating committees to the anthracite miners and operators to meet me in Harrisburg on Nov. 18. The miners courteously honored my request by the attendance not only of their negotiating committee but of the entire membership of the scale committees of all three anthracite districts. The operators refused to attend and were not represented.
"At that meeting I submitted, as I said, the rough outline of an agreement upon which, in substance, I believe the present suspension of work in the anthracite mines could be, and ought to be, ended at once with justice to the miners, the operators and the anthracite-using people of America.
"This rough outline was a middle ground and was far from giving the miners all of their demands. Nevertheless, with a degree of moderation and regard for the public interest which does them high honor, they agreed to accept the outline agreement I proposed as a basis for settlement. If the operators had done the same the mines would have been open within a week.
Says Operators War on Public.
The operators, however, flatly refused to consider my rough outline as a basis for settlement. They refused to consider it even as a basis for conference and negotiation. From first to last they heave refused to yield one joy or tittle of their original position. The anthracite coal strike, which was at first a strike of the miners against the operators, has therefore now become a strike of the operators against the public.
"The situation thus created amounts to an attack upon millions of anthracite users in Pennsylvania and other States, who are thus deprived of their customary fuel. The whole future of the anthracite industry is threatened by popular resentment and the use of substitutes. The prosperity of the anthracite region, now and hereafter, hangs in the balance. The public interests are gravely injured already and threatened with still more serious damage. Negotiations are at a standstill. The public must either suffer in silence or it must take measures to protect itself.
"The anthracite industry is a monop-