equal to any thing used on similar occasions even by Captain G ——. The culprit was now brought forward, and to my surprise it was the very man whom Thompson, when in the boat, had thrown overboard for mutiny. I cannot say that I felt sorry for the cause or the effect that was hkely to be produced by the disputes of the day. "Seize him up," said the captain; "you were sent to the mast-head in your regular turn of duty; and you have neglected that duty, by which means we are likely to be taken: so, before my authority ceases, I will shew you a Yankee trick."
"I am an Englishman," said the man, "and appeal to my officer for protection."
The captain looked at me.
"If I am the officer you appeal to," said I,
"I do not acknowledge you; you threw off your allegiance when you thought it suited your purpose, and you now wish to resume it to skreen yourself from a punishment which you