As soon as the ship was hove to, a young man (one of the sailors) dressed in a smart suit of black, knee-breeches and buckles, with his hair powdered, and with all the extra finery and mincing gait of an exquisite, came aft on the quarterdeck, and, with a most polished bow, took the liberty of introducing himself as gentleman's gentleman to Mr. Neptune, who had been desired to precede his master and acquaint the commander of the vessel with his intended visit. A sail had been extended across the forecastle by way of curtain, and from behind this, Neptune and his train, in full costume, shortly afterwards came forth.
The car of the god, consisted of a guncarriage: it was drawn by six black men, part of the ship's crew: they were tall muscular fellows, their heads were covered pith sea-weed, and they wore a very small pair of cotton drawers: in other respects, they were perfectly naked; their skins were spotted all over with red and white paint; alternately they he.d conch shells,