ourselves to the captain, who was on the hammocks, watching the progress of the fire-ships. One of these had been lighted too soon: her helm had not been lashed, and she had broached to, close to our frigate. I had had quite enough of adventure for that night, but was fated to have a little more.
"Mr. Mildmay," said the captain, "you seem to like the fun: jump into your gig again, take four fresh hands," (thinks I, a fresh midshipman would not be amiss), "get on board of that vessel, and put her head the right way."
I did not like this job at all; the vessel appeared to be in flames from the jib-boom to the topsail; and I own I preferred enjoying the honours I had already gained, to going after others so very precarious; however, I never made a difficulty, and this was no time for exceptions to my rule. I touched my hat, said, "Ay, ay, Sir," sang out for four volunteers, and, in an instant, I had fifty. Iselected four, and shoved off on my new expedition.