taken out, and the frigate made sail in chace of the indicated vessel, which she captured that night at nine o'clock.
I would not willingly believe that such perfidy is common among the Americans. On parting with the master of my brig, a sharp dialogue took place between us.
"I guess I'l fit out a privateer, and take some o' your merchanters."
"Take care you are not taken yourself," said I, "and pass your time on board one of our prison ships; but, remember, whatever may happen, it's all your own fault. You have picked a German quarrel with us, to please Boney; and he will only spit in your face when you have done your best for him. Your wise president has declared war against the mother country."
"D——n the mother country," muttered the Yankee; " step-mother, I guess, you mean, tarnation seize her!!!"
We continued following the ship, and by