dear husband!" in the hearing of the people of the house. My wet clothes attracted her notice. I fold her what I had done to obtain an interview with her. She shuddered with horror!—my teeth chattered with cold. A good fire, a hot and not very weak glass of brandy and water, together with her tears, smiles, and caresses, soon restored me.—The reader will, no doubt, here recal to mind the less agreeable remedy applied to me when I ducked the usher, and one recommended also by myself in similar cases, as having experienced its good effects: how much more I deserved it on this occasion than the former one, need not be mentioned.
So sweet was this stolen interview, that I vowed I was ready to encounter the same 'danger on the succeeding night. Our conversation turned on our future prospects; and, as our time was short, we had much to say.
"Frank," said the poor girl, "before we meet