gave me a very clear insight to the anatomy of the human frame, which I had seen cut in two by shot, lacerated by splinters, carved out with knives, and separated with saws!
Soon after the action, we were ordered to Spithead, with duplicate despatches. One morning I heard a midshipman say, "he would do his old father out of a new kit." I inquired what that meant, was first called a green-horn for not knowing, and then had it explained to me. "Don't you know," said my instructor, "that after every action there is more canvas, rope, and paint, expended in the warrant-officer's accounts, than were destroyed by the enemy?" I assented to this on the credit of the informer, without knowing whether it was true or false, and he proceeded.
"How are we to have white hammock-cloths, skysail masts, and all our finery, besides a coat of paint for the ship's sides every six weeks, if we don't expend all these things in