here; but yours very little, and another midshipman can be had from the ship only for asking: so just drop astern, if you please, and do duty as a breast-work for me!"
"Certainly, Sir," said I, " by all means;" and I took my station accordingly.
"Now," said the captain, " if you are 'doubled up,' I will take you on my shoulders!"
I expressed myself exceedingly obliged, not only for the honour he had conferred on me, but also for that which. he intended; but hoped I should have no occasion to trouble him.
Whether the enemy took pity on my youth and innocence, or whether they purposely missed us, I cannot say: I only know I was very happy when I found myself inside the castle with a whole skin, and should very readily have reconciled myself to any measure which would have restored me even to the comforts and conveniences of a man-of-war's cockpit. All human