obtained all I wanted; and we parted with mutual good will, they shouting "Viva Ingleterre!" and we drinking them a good passage in their own wine.
Many days elapsed before we reached Gibraltar: the winds were light, and the weather fine; but as we had discovered that the fishing-boats had wine, we took care to supply our cellar without any trouble from the excise; and, from our equitable mode of barter, I had no reason to think that his Majesty King George, lost any of his deserved popularity by our conduct. When we reached Gibraltar, I had still a couple of good kegs wherewith to regale my messmates; though I was sorry to find the frigate and the rest of her prizes had got in before us. Murphy, indeed, did not arrive till the day after me.
I was on the quarter-deck when he came in; and, to my astonishment, he reported that he had been chased by a French privateer, and had