for a wonder, this chap has cheated the gallows!"
The sound of the fellow's detested voice was enough to recal me from the grave, if my orders had been signed: I faintly exclaimed, "You are a liar!" which, even with all the melancholy scene around us, produced a burst of laughter at his expense. I was removed to the ship,:put to bed, and bled, and was soon able to narrate the particulars of my adventure; but I continued a long while dangerously ill.
The soliloquy of Murphy over my supposed dead body, and my laconic reply, were the cause of much merriment in the ship: the midshipmen him by asserting that he had saved my life, as nothing but his hated voice could have awoke me from my sleep of death.
The fate of the first lieutenant was justly deplored by all of us; though I cannot deny my christian-like acquiescence in the will of