Chap. 35.] ACCOUNT OE COUil^TRIES, ETC. 481
tlius Lapethos^, Soloe, Tamasos^ Epidamm, Chytri^ Arsi- noe^ CarpasIum^ and Golgi'". The towns of Cinvri;, Ma- rmm, and Ida mm « are no longer in existence. It 'is distant from Anemurmm^ in Cilicia fifty miles ; the sea which runs between the two shores being called the Channel of Cilicia^" lu tlie same locality ^^ is the island of Eleusa^^ and the four by Teucer the son of Telamon, who gare it the name of his native land from winch he had been banished bv his father its worXn'o/ln?"^ ^T'^lr ' ^^^^"^ '^' ^^^^^ ^°^^' ^^l^^^^ted for StpXn,^ of Apln-odite or Venus. It was a Phanieian settlement, and Stephanu caUs it the most ancient city in the island. It long presCd Its oriental customs, and here the l>iai Hercules was worshipped u^er 3 P^h t^^:^' : Its site is now eaUed Lapitho ovL.Z 3 Probably the same as the Temese of Homer. It was situate in a fertile district m the middle of Cyprus, and m the neighborhood of ex^ Salami ""^"^ ^^^^" ^ ^""^ °^ ^^P""' °^ ^^' "°^^ ^'^^ Perinea to « n ^^J^"'• ^^'^ ^ C^rus, near the Promontory of Acamas, formerly mhabi ants to Paphos. The modern name of its site is Pohkrusoko or thanTne'dt?^ r '^ "^" n'" '^^ -^gl^bourhood. There was more lhZ7 ^f I' ^^^ "^ ^'^'^'" '^^'^' ^'^' probably bestowed on them durmg Its subjection to the princes of the hne of Lagus. Another Arsmoe is placed near Ammochostus to the north of the=^island, and a thud ot the same name appears in Strabo with a harbour temnle and grove, between Old and New Paphos. ' ^ « Or Carpasia to the north-east of the island, facing the Promontory of Sarpedon on the Cihcian coast. It was said to hav? been fo3ed bT i^'^mahon, kmg of Tyre. Pococke speaks of remains at Carpas, the sit^ ot this place, especiaUy a long waU and a pier. 7 Or Golgos, famous for the worsliip of Aphrodite or Venus, which had existed here even before its introduction at Paphos by Agapenor Its position IS unknown. ^ 8«Fcuur. 8 Or Idaha, adjoining to which was a forest sacred to Aphrodite The poets, who connect this place with her worsliip, give us no indications whatever of Its precise locality. Engel identifies it with the modem TIj ' "^ ^""/^'^ '°^^' of Leucosia, at the foot of Mount Olympus. iN ow Cape Anamur. "^ '■ !? 1^^°^ Cihcium," now the Sea of Caramania or Cyprus ^J The Cihcian Sea, namely. ^^ '- There were several islands of this name. It is not improbable that Plmy alludes to the one lying off the coast of Caria between the isle of K nodes and the mainland, and which seems to be the island marked Alessa m the maps. There was another of the same name close to the snore ot Cihcia, afterwards knowm by the name of Scbaste. VOL. I. , 2 I