366 plint's NATTJEAL HISTOET. [Book IV.
one municipal town of Eoman citizens, tliree mth the ancient Latin rights, and thirty-six that are tributaries. The colonies are those of Augusta Emerita situate on the river Anas, Metallinum^, Pax^, and Norba'^, surnamed Cae- sariana. To this last place of jurisdiction the people of Castra Servilia^ and Castra CsBcilia*^ resort. The fifth juris- diction is that of Scalabis, which also has the name of Praesidium Julium^. Olisipo, surnamed Felicitas Julia^, is a municipal city, whose inhabitants enjoy the rights of Eoman citizens. The towns in the enjoyment of the ancient Latin rights are Ebora^", which also has the name of Libera- litas Julia^ and Myrtili and Salacia, which we have pre- viously mentioned. Those among the tributaries whom it may not be amiss to mention, in addition to those already ^^ alluded to am^ong the names of those in Baetica, are the Augustobrigenses'^, the Ammienses^^, the Aranditani, the Arabricenses, the Balsenses, the Ca?sarobricenses, the Ca- perenses^^, the Caurenses^*', the Colarni, the Cibilitani, the Concordienses^'^, the Elbocorii, the Interannienses, the Lan- ^ Now Merida, on the Guadiana. A colony of veterans (Emeriti) wi 9 planted there by Augustus. 2 Now Medellin, in the province of Estremadura. 3 Pax Julia, or Pax Augusta, m the covmtry of the Turduli, or Tur- detani ; now Beja, in the province of the Alentejo. ^ Now Alcantara, in the province of Estremadura. s Now Truxillo, so called from Turris Julia.
- Now Caceres.
7 Now called Santarem, from Saint Irene, the Vu'gin. 8 " The Gan-ison of Juhus." 9 " The Success of Juhus." 10 Evora, between the Guadiana and the Tagus. " " The Liberahty of Juhus." 12 B. iii. c. 3. 13 Hardoum takes Augustobriga to have stood on the site of Yillar del Pedroso on the Tagus. Other wi'iters think that it is represented by the present Ponte del Arcobispo. i** From Ammia, now Portalegre, on the frontier of Portugal. The sites of Arabrica and Balsa do not appear to have been ascertaiaed. 1^ Capera stood on the site now called Las Ventas de Capara, between Alcantara and Coria. The site of Caesarobrica has not been ascer- tained. 1^ Coria, in Estremadura, probably occupies the site of Caura. 17 Hardouin suggests that the modern Tomar occupies the site of Concordia.