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:iiap. 17.] ACCOrNT OF C0U^'TI1IES, ETC.

290 aations of PcTonia the Paroroei^ the Eordenses^ the Al- iiopii^ the Pehigoues, aud the Mygdones^ Next come the mountains of Rhodope, Scopius, and Ovbe- ius ; and, lymg along the extent of country in front of these mountains,* the Arethusii^ the Antiochienses', the Idome- Qenses^ the Doberi^ the ^straeenses, the Allantenses, the Audaristenses, the Morylli, the Garesci'^ the Lyncesta)' the Othryonei'-, and the Amantini'^ and Orestae^', both of them [ree peoples ; the colonies of Bullis^^ and Dium^^ the Xylo- polit^, the Scotussa^i, a free people, Heraclea Sintica, the IvmphcTi^^ and the Toronsei.

  • Upon the coast of the Macedonian Gulf there are the

town of Chalastra'^, and, more inland, Piloros ; also Lete, 1 Or Thrace. ^ People of Parorsea in Thrace. 3 The people probably of Eordjea, already mentioned. 4 Leake thinks that Almopia was the name of the district now caUed Moglena. mr i • ' The IMygdones were a Thracian people m the east ot Macedonia, on the Thermaic Gulf. . ,^ -, • • .i 6 The people of Arethusa, a town of Bisaltia in Macedoma, m the pass 3f Anion. Emnpides, the tragic poet, was bm-ied here. 7 A town of Mvgdonia. .-, /. -i e 8 The people of Idomenc, a town about twelve miles ti'om the pass ot 3tena, now Demirkapi, or the ' Iron Gate,' on the river Yardlian. 9 Then- district of Doberus is supposed to have been near the modern Dogliiran. -, ., -^ ^i 1" It has been suggested that Garescus stood on the same site as the modern Nm-ocopo. Many of these peoples are now entirely unknown Ji The people of Lynccstis, m Macedonia, of lUyrian origin and on the frontiers of lUyria. Lyncus was the ancient capital, Ileracla^a the more modem one. 12 Probably the inhabitants of the slopes of Mount Othrys. 13 Amantia was properly in lUjT-ia, to the south of the river Aous. Leake places it at Nivitza. 1^ A people of the north of Epirus, on the borders of Macedonia. I hey svere said to have derived their name from Orestes, who, after the murder Df his mother, founded in their tc-rritoiT the town ot Argos Orestieum. 15 A Greek city of Illyria. Dr. liolland discovered its remams at Gra- aitza on the Aoiis or Viosa. p .. x xi n 16 The bulwark of the Macedonian maritime frontier to tlio south. Leake chscovered its site near the modern :Malathria. 17 On the right bank of the river Strymon m Thracian Macedonia. It 3tood on the site of the modem Zervokhori. 13 A people of Epnus on the borders of Thessaly. 19 In Mvgdonia, at the mouth of the Axius— King Perseus put all its male inhabitants to death. Its site was at or near the modem Kulakia.

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