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298 plixt's natural histoet. [Book IV.

to^^-ns are ^giae at which place its kings were usually buried, Berjpa-, and, in tlie coimtry called JPieria from the grove of that name, ^ginium^ Upon the coast are Hera- clea^ the^ river Apilas^ the towns of Pydna*^ and Aloros^, and the river Haliacmon^ In the interior are the Aloritee^, the Vallaei^", the PhylacsBi, the Cyrrhest^e^^ the Tyrissaei, the colony of Pella^', and Stobi^^ a toTVTi with the rights of Eoman citizens. Next comes Antigonea'"*, Europus^^ upon the river Axius, and another place of the same name by which the EhcKdias flows, Scydra, Eord^ea, Mieza, and Gor- dyniae. Then, upon the coast, Ichnae'^ and the river Axius : along this frontier the Dardani, the Treres'^, and the Pieres, border on Macedonia. Leaving this river, there are the 1 Supposed by some -writers to be the same place as Edessa. Ansart says it is the spot now known as Moglena. 2 Now Verria in Eomneha. St. Paul and Silas withdrew to tliis place from Thessalonica. The remains are very considerable. 3 Described by Livy as of great strength. It occupied the site of the modern Stagus. 4 Surnamed Lyncestis ; the chief town of Upper Macedonia. It must have stood not far from the modern town of Felurina. ^ Now the Platamona. ^ Now Kitron. The Eomans usually called it Citron or Citrus. 7 In the inmost recess of the Thermaic Gulf. Leake supposes it to have occupied the site of the present Palea Khora, near Kapsokhori. 8 Now the Vistritza, by the Turks caUed Inje-Karra. Csesar calls it the boundary between Macedonia and Thessaly. 9 The people apparently of Aloros just mentioned. ^0 Valise and Phylacse appear to have been two towns of Pieria. ^1 The people of Cyrrhus; probably on the site of the present Vistritza. _ Leake however makes a place called Paleokastro to occupy its site. Tyrissse was probably in its vicinity. 12 Now AlakKsi, upon a lake formed by the Lydias. Phihp made it the capital of Macedonia, and it was the bn-th-place of Alexander the Great. It was made a Eoman colony under the name of Juha Augusta ^ella. 13 Its ruins are still called StoH. 14 There were two places of this name in Macedonia ; one called Anti- gonia Psaphara in Chalcidice, and the other in Paonia. 15 Between Idomene and the plains of Pella. As Pliny here says, it was a different place from Europus of Almopia, by which the Ehoedias flows. Of the following places nothing seems to be known. 16 Coupled by Herodotus with Pella. Eordsea seems to have been the name of the district on the river Eordaicus, identified with the modern Devol. 17 They dwelt in the vicinity of Mount Scomium. The river Axius is the modei*n Vardhari.

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