lathra the Promontory of ^antiiim-, tlie toA^iis of Meliboea^, Hhizus, and Erynmse^ ; the month of the Peneus, the towns of Homolium^, Orthe, Thespiae, Phahmna^, Thaumacie^, Gryrton^, Crannon^, Acharne^", Dotion^ Melita^a, Phylaee^^, and Potniae'^. The length of Epirns, Aehaia, Attica, and Thessaly is said altogether to amonnt to 490 miles, the breadth to 287. CHAP. 17. (10.) — MACEDONIA. Macedonia comes next, inclnding 150 nations, and re- nowned for its two kings ^^ and its former empire over the world ; it was formerly known by the name of Emathia^^. Stretching away towards the nations of Epirns on the west it lies at the back of jNIagnesia and Thessaly, being itself exposed to the attacks of the Dardani^^ Piponia and Pela- gonia protect its northern parts from the Triballi^^ Its 1 Probably near the village of Hagia Eutimia, according to Ansart. 2 Now Trikeri. 3 Meliboea was near the modem Mintzeles, and Eliizus near Pesi Dendra, according to Ansart. ^ Ansart says, in the vicinity of the modern Conomio. 5 Situate at the foot of Mount Homole, between Tempe and the village of Karitza. Leake thinks that the Convent of St. Demetrius, on the lower part of Moimt Kissavo, stands on its site. ^ Now Tom'novo, according to .Insart. ^ Now called Denioco, according to Ansart. 8 Between the Titaresius and the Peneus. The modern vUlage of Tatari stands on its site. 9 Probably the place of the same name mentioned in the last Chapter. ^0 Probably the same as Acharrse on the river Pamisus, mentioned by Livy, B. xxxii. c. 13. ^^ On the Dotian Plam, mentioned by Hcsiod, and probably the same place that Pindar calls Lacereia. '2 The bu'th-place of Protesilaiis, the first victim of the Trojan war. ^3 Nothing is known of tliis place. The word " porro" appears instead of it in some editions. ^^ Phihp, the Conqueror of Greece, and Alexander, the Conqueror of Asia. 1^ The original Emathia, as mentioned by Homer, is coupled with Pieria as lying between the Ilellcnic cities of Thessaly and Pa'onia, and Tlirace, ^^ A tribe of the south-west of Moesia, and extending over a part of lUyricum. According to Strabo, they were a wild race, of lilthv habits, Hving in caves under dunghills, but fond of music. ^7 A people of Mccsia, mentioned in C. 2U of the last Book.