niumS Alea, Methydrium", Enispe, Macistum, Lampia, Clitorium^, and Cleonse"* ; between which two last to^^^ls is the district of Nemea, commonly known as Bembinadia^ The mountains of Arcadia are, Pholoe^, with a town of the same name, Cyllene'^, Lycaeus^, upon which is the temple of Lycaean Jupiter; Maenalus*, Artemisius^", Parthenius", Lam- peus^', and Nonacris ^^, besides eight others of no note. The rivers are the Ladon^^, which rises in the marshes of Pheneus'^, and the ErjTiianthus^^, which springs from a mountain of the same name, and flows into the Alpheus. The other cities of Achaia wortliy of mention are those of the Aliphirsei^, the Abeatae^^, the Pyrgenses^^, the Paro- ^ !N'otlirng seems to be known of tliis Parthenium. Alea lay between Orchomenus and Stymphalus. Its ruins have been discovered in the dark valley of Skotini, a mile to the N.E. of the village of Buyati. 2 Its site has the modern name of Palseopyrgos. The sites of Enispe, mentioned by Homer, and Macistum, are unknown. 3 Or Cleitor, a famous town of Arcadia. Its ruins are to be seen on the plain of Kalzana, or Katzanes. One of the rivulets that ran past it stiU retains the name of Chtora.
- Its ruins, few in number, but testifying its importance, are found
near the modern village of Kleves, not far from Kurtesi. The Nemean games weio celebrated in honour of Hercules in the grove of Nemea, between Cieonce and Phhus.
- From the village of Bembina there, mentioned by Strabo, and on
which Koutzomati probably now stands. s Now called Olono. It received its name from the Centaur Pholus, accidentaDy slain by one of the poisoned arrows of Hercules. 7 The modem Zyria.
- Nomiai and HeUenitza are modem names given to this mountain.
9 In the south of Arcadia. It is now called Roinon. ^0 Or Artemisium, forming the boundary between Argohs and Arcadia. It is now called Turniki. " The pass by this mountain from ArgoUs to Tcgea is stiU called Partheni. 12 Now called Zembi, according to Ansart. ^3 The town of Nonacris stood at its foot. The river Styx took its rise in these mountains. ** Now called the Landona. '5 The town now called Fonia, already mentioned by Pliny. Tlio waters of its marshes were discharged by a subterranean passage, said to have been made by Hercules. ^ Now called the Dogana. The two principal heights of Mount Ery- manthus are Olonos and Kalcfoni, 17 The people of Alij)hira, a town of Arcadia, in the chstrict of Cynura. Considerable remains of it are still to be seen on the hUl of Nerovitza. ^ The people of Abea, in Messeuia. '^ The people of Pyrgos, m Arcadia.