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from which, in the interior, is situate the free town of Delphi at the foot of Monnt Parnassus^ and ha^ang the most cele- brated oracle of Apollo throughout the whole world. There is the Fountain too of Castalia^, and the river Cephisus"* which flows past Delphi, rising in the former city of Lila?a*. Besides these, there is the town of Crissa^ and that of Anticyra", with the Bulenses^; as also Naulochum^, Pyrrha, Amphissa^", exempt from all tribute, Tithrone, Tritea' Ambry sus^-, and Dryma?a^^, which district has also the name of Daulis. The extremity of the gulf washes one corner of Bceotia, with its towns of Siphae* and Thebes ^^ surnamed the Corsian, in the 1 The modem village of Kastri stands on part of the site of ancient Delphi. Its ruins have been explored by Chandler, Leake, and Uhichs. - The two highest summits of the range of Parnassus in the vichiity of Delphi were Tithorea, now Yehtza, to the N.W., and Lycorea, now Liakm-a, to the N.E. Its rocks above Delphi were called the Phsedriadea or " Resplendent." 3 The famed Castahp.n spring is now called the Fountain of St. John, from the chapel of thai saint which stands close to its soiirce.

  • Now the Mavro-Potamo.

5 Its ruuis are still to be seen about tliree leagues from Kastri. ^ Or Crisso. It was situate inland to the S.W. of Delplii. Its ruins ai'e to be seen at a short distance from the modem village of Chryso. 7 It is supposed that the few ruins seen near the modern Aspra Spitia are those of tliis place. It was famous for its hellebore, which was ex- tensively used for the cure of madness. There were two other places oi the same name. 8 The people of Bulls, near the Crisssean Gulf. Its riuns are situate at a short distance from the monastery of Dobe. 9 Ansart suggests that tliis was the present port of Agio-Sideri or Djespliina. ^" It occupied the site of the modem Salona ; the walls of its ancient Acropohs are stiU to be seen. It was the chief town of the Locri Ozolae. ^^ Pouqueville thmks that the niins seen near Moulki are those of Ti- tlu-one, and that Tritea stood on the site of the present Turcochorion. ^2 Or Amphrysus, famous for the strength of its fortifications and its scarlet berries for djeing. Some remains of it are to be seen at the modem village of Dhistomo. ' ^3 Qn the frontiers of Doris and Phocis. T.eake thinks that its ruins are those seen midway between Kamares and ( 'lamista. Daulis was aho the name of an ancient town of Phocis, the ruins of which are to be seen at the modem village of Dhavha. ^•* Probably the present Pala?o Kastro, at flic Port de Dobrena or Polaca. ^^ Leake tliinks that the Corsian Thebet-, a port of Ua-olia, is repre- Bentod by the modem Khosia.

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