CHAP. 3. (2.) — ^TOLIA. The peoples of JEtolia are the Athamaiies the Tjmphaei^, the Ephyri^, the ^nieiises, the Perrha^bi"*, the Dolopes^, the Maraces, and the Atraoes, in whose territory rises the river Atrax, which flows into the Ionian Sea. Calydon^ is a city of ^tolia, situate at a distance of seven miles from the sea, and near the hanks of the river Evenus*. We then come to Macynia^, and Molycria, behind which lie Mounts Chalcis^'* and Taphiassus. On the coast again, there is the promontory of Antirrhium' oft' which is the mouth of the Corinthian Grulf, which flows in and separates jEtolia from the Pelopon- nesus, being less^"^ than one mile in width. The promontory which faces it on the opposite side is called Ehion^^. The towns of ^tolia, however, on the Corinthian Gulf are Nau- pactus^"* and Pylene'^ ; and, more inland, Pleuron and Hali- ^ Pouqueville says that Athamania occupied the locaHties now known as Djoumerca and Radovitcli. It properly belonged to Epirus, and Pliny makes a mistake in considering it as a part of iEtolia. ^ According to Pouqueville the ruins of Tymphsea are to be seen near the village of Paliouri, four miles from Jauina. 3 Ephyre, a town of the Agrsei, is also mentioned by Strabo, but no- thing whatever is known of it. 4 The main body of the Perrhsebi were a people of Thessaly.
- Dolopia, now called Anovlachia,was properly reckoned part of Epirus.
^ They are probably not the same people as the inhabitants of Atrax iu Thessaly, which will be found mentioned in the 15th Chapter of this Book. 7 The most famous city of -3itoha in its day, and the residence of (Eneus, father of Melcager and Tydeus, and gi^andfather of Diomedes. The greater part of its inhabitants were removed by Augustus to his new city of Nicopohs. Leake supposes its nuns to be those seen by him at Kurt- A-ga, to the east of the river Evenus.
- Now called the Fidaris.
^ Pouqueville supposes the site of Macynia to have been that of the modem Koukio-Castron, and that of Molycria the present Manaloudi. ^^ Probably the present Varassova ; there was a town called Chalcis, or Hypochalcis, at its foot. The present Kaki-Skala was probably the momitain of Taphiassus. •1 Opposite the Promontory of Rhium, at the entrance of the Corin- tliian Gulf. It is now called the Castle of Roumeha, or the Pimta of tlw Dardanelles of Roum Hi. 12 Leako and Dodwcll make it a mile and a half. " Or Rhium. It is now called the Castle of the Morca. 1* The modern Enebatche or Lcpanto ; whence the Corinthian Gulf takes its modem name. 1* Proscliium was built at a later period on the site of Pvlone. Its site t'2