256 pliin^t's natueal history. [Book III.
It may not be inappropriate in this place to subjoin the inscription now to be seen upon the trophy^ erected on the Alps, which is to the following effect : — " To the Emperor CiESAR — The son^ of C^sar now deified, Augustus, PONTIFEX MaXIMUS, AND EMPEROR FOURTEEN YEARS, IN THE SEVENTEENTH^ YEAR OF HIS HOLDING THE TRIBUNI- TIAL AUTHORITY, THE SeNATE AND THE ROMAN PEOPLE, IN REMEMBRANCE THAT UNDER HIS COMMAND AND AUSPICES ALL THE Alpine nations which extended from the UPPER SEA TO the LOWER WERE REDUCED TO SUBJECTION BY THE EOMAN PEOPLE ThE AlPINE NATIONS SO SUB- DUED WERE: THE TrIUMPILINI, THE CaMUNI, THE Ve- NOSTES^, THE VeNNONENSES, THE ISARCI, THE BrEUNI, THE GeNAUNES^, the PoCUNATES, FOUR NATIONS OF THE ViNDELICI, THE CONSUANETES, THE EUCINATES, THE LlCATES^, THE CATENATES, THE AmBISONTES, THE Eu- GUSCI, THE SUANETES^, THE CaLUCONES, THE BrIX- ENTES, THE LePONTII, THE UbERI, THE NaNTUATES, THE Seduni, the Yaragri, THE Salassi, the Acitayones, ^ The trophy or triumphal arch which bore tliis inscription is that which was still to be seen at Torbia near Nicsea in Illyria, in the time of Gruter, who has given that portion of the inscription which remained unobhterated, down to " gentes Alpinse," " the Alpine nations." Har- douin speaks of another triumphal arch in honoxir of Augustus at Segusio or Susa in Piedmont, which appears to have commenced in a somewhat similar manner, but only the first twelve words were remaining in 1671. 2 Adopted son of his great uncle Juhus Caesar. 2 Most of the MSS. omit the figures XVII here, but it is evidently an accident ; if indeed they were omitted in the original. ■* They are supposed to have occupied the Val Venosco, at the sources of the Adige. The Isarci dwelt in the Val de Sarra or Sarcha, near Val Camonica ; and the Bremii in the Val Brounia or Bregna, at the som*ce of thcTessino. ^ D'Anville thinks that they inhabited the Val d'Agno, near Trento, between Lake Como and the Adige. He also detects the name of the Focimates m the vUlage of Vogogna. ^ They inhabited the banks of the river Lech, their town being, ac- cording to Strabo, Damasia, afterwards Augusta Vindehcorum, now Augsburg. 7 Probably the Sarunetes, already mentioned. The Brixentes inha- bited the modern Brixen in the Tyrol. The Lepontii have been pre- Tiously mentioned. The Seduni occupied the present Sion, the capital of the Valais. The Salassi have been already mentioned. According to Bouchc, the MeduUi occupied the modern Maurienne in Savoy. The Varagri dwelt in Le Chablais.