Salentini, the Fii]giniates the Foroflamimenses", the Foroju- lienses surnamed Concupienses, the Forobrentani, the Foro- sempronieuses^, the Iguvini^, the Interamnates suruamed Nartes, the Mevanates^, the Mevanionenses, the Matilicates, the Narnienses', whose town used formerly to he called Xequinum ; the Nucerini^, both those surnamed Favonienses and those called Camellani ; the Ocricidani^, the Ostrani"^, the Pitulani, both those surnamed Pisuertes and the others called Mergentini ; the Plestini^ the Sentinates^", the Sarsi- theatre and a triumphal arch in honour of Trajan. Notliing seems to be known of the ]3olates. 1 The people of Fulginium. From Cicero ^xe learn that it was a mu- nicipal town. The modem city of Fohgno has risen on its site. An inscription discovered here has preserved the name of Fulgiaia, probably a local divinity. ' The people of Forum Flaminii, situated on the Flamioian Way, where it fii'st entered the Apennmes, tln-ee miles h'om Fulginium. It was here that the Emperors GaUus and Tolusianus were defeated and slam by ^mihanus, a.d. 256. The ruins at the spot called Giovanni pro Fiamma mark its site. The site of Forum Julii appears to be imknoTsii, as also that of Forinn Brentani. •' The people of Forum Sempronii, the only to^^^l in the valley of the Metam'us. The modern city of Fossombrone, two miles distant, has thence taken its name. Considerable vestiges of the ancient town are still to be seen. The battle in which Hasdrtibal was defeated by the Eoman consuls Livius and Nero, B.C. 207, was probably fought in its vicinity. "* The people of Iguviiun, an ancient and important town of Umbria. Its site is occupied by the modem city of Gubbio. Interamna on the Kar has been previously mentioned.
- The people of the town of Mevania, now called Bevagna, in the duchy
of Spoleto. The Mevanionenses were the people of Mevanio, or Meva- niola), in the vicinity of Mevania, and thought by Cluver to be the modern Galeata. ^ Their town was Matihca, which still retains that name. It is situate in the IVfarehes of Ancona. 7 Their tovn stdl retains the name of Xami. ^ Their town was surnamed Favonia and Camollaria, to distinguish it from several others of the same name. The present Nocera stands on its site. ^ The people of Ocriculum, now Otricoli, previously mentioned. ^^ According to Hardouin, the ruins of Ostra are those near Monte Xuovo, now Sinigaglia, but D'AnviUe thinks that the modem Corinaldo marks its site. '1 Nothing is known of the Plestini, nor yet of the Pitulani, who seem to have been a ditFerent people to those mentioned in the First Region. ^2 The towTi of Sentis, according to D'AnviUe and Manncrt, was in the vicinity of the modem town of Sasso Ferrato.