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Chap. 17.] ACCOUNT or COUJStTKlES, ETC. 233

the Aufidenates the Esernini", the Fagifulani, the Pico- lenses^, the Saepinates'*, and the Tereventinates ; in that of the Sabini, the Amiternini*, the Curenses^, Forum Deci^, Porum Novum, the Fidenates, the Interamnates^, the Nur- sini^, the Nomeutani^^, the Eeatini^ the Trebulani, both those called Mutusci^- and those called SufFenates^^, the Ti- burtes, and the Tarinates. In these districts, the Comini^'*, the Tadiates, the Caedici, ^ The people of Aufidena, a citv of northern Samnium, in the upper valley of the Sagrus or Sagro. Its remams, which show it to have been a place of very great strength, are to be seen near the modern village of Aifidena, on a hill on the left bank of the modern Sangro. 2 The people of Esernia, now Tsemia. 3 The people of Fieulia or Ficolea, a city of ancient Latium on the Yia Nomentana. It is supposed that it was situate within the confines of the domain of Cesarini, and upon either the iiill now called Monte Gentile, or that marked by the Torre Lupara.

  • Ssepinum is supposed to be the same with the modern Supmo or

Sipicciano. ^ The ruins of the ancient Sabine city of Amitemum are still visible at San Vittorino, a village about five miles north of Aquila. Considerable remains of antiquity are still to be seen there. ^ The people of Cm-es, an ancient city of the Sabines, to the left of the Yia Salaria, about tlu-ee miles from the left bank of the Tiber, and twenty- four from Rome. It was the birth-place of Nuraa Pompilius. Its site is occupied by the present villages of Correse and Arci, and considerable remains of the ancient city are still to be seen. ' Nothing is known of this place ; but it has been suggested that it stood in the neighbourhood of Forum Novum (or 'New Market'), next mentioned, the present Vescovio. 8 This Interamna must not be confounded -with. Interamna Lirinas, mentioned in C. 9, nor Interamna Nartis, mentioned in C. 19. It was a city of Picenimi in the territory of the Prajtutii. The city of Teramo stands on its site ; and extensive remains of the ancient city are stUl in existence. ^ From their town, Norsia in the duchy of Spoleto is said to derive its name. ^^ The people of Noinentum, now La Mentana. ^^ The people of Reate, now Rieti, below Mursia. ^2 The people of Trebula? Mutusca?, said to have stood on tlie site of the present Monte Leone dclla Sabina, below Rieti. This pla<:'e is men- tioned in the seventh ^neid of Yirgd, as the " Olive-bearing Mutusc*." ^3 Their town was Trebula SuU'ena, on the site of the present Montorio di Romagna. The Tiburtos were the people of Tibur, the modern TivoU ; and the Tarinates were the inhabitants of Tarinum, now Tarano. ^"^ The peo])le of Cominium, the site of which is icertain. It is sup- posed that there were three places of this name. One Cominium is men- tioned in the Samnite wars as being about twenty miles from Aqmlonia,

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