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in that of the Marsi, the Anxantmi the Atinates^ the Fucentes^ the Lucenses^ and the Marrnvinr' ; m that of the A-lbenses, the town of Alba on Lake Encinus ; m^that of the ^quiculani, the Cliternini^ and the Carseolani' ; m that of the Yestini, the Angulani^ the Pinnenses, and the Peltuinates, adjoining to whom are the Aufinates^ Cismon- tani; in that of the Samnites, who have been called Sabelli^", and whom the Greeks have called Sannitse, the colony of old Bovianum", and that of the Undecumani, circumstance mentioned by Ovid in his Tristia, B. iv. cli. x. 1. 4. It i3 now called Sulmona. 1 The people of Anxanum or Anxa, on the Sangro, now known as the city of Lanciano ; in the part of which, known as Lanciano Vecchio, remains of the ancient town are to be seen. 2 The people probably of Atina in Samnium, winch still retams the same name. _ , _, . ,, , 3 They probably took their name from the Lake Eucmus, the modem Lago Fucino, or Lago di Celano.

  • They dwelt in a town on the verge of Lake Fucmus, known as Lucus.

5 The ruins of Marruvium may still be seen at Muria, on the eastern side of Lake Fucinus. ■,■,-,• ■ .- 6 It has been suggested, from the discoveiy of a sepulchral inscription there, that Capradosso, about nine miles from Kieti in the upper vaUey of the Salto, is the site of ancient Chternia. The smaU viUage of Alba retains the name and site of the former city of Alba Fucensis, of which there are considerable remains. x. -i. c 7 The modern town of Carsoli is situate three miles from the site ot ancient Carseoh, the remains of which are still visible at Civita near the Ostoria del Cavaliere. Ovid tells us that its climate was cold and bleak, and that it wovdd not grow ohves, though fruitful in corn. He also gives some other curious particulars of the place.— Fasti, B. iv. 1. 683 et seq. 8 The modern Civita Sant Angelo retains nearly its ancient name as that of its patron samt. It is situate on a hill, four miles from the Adriatic, and south of the river Matrmus, which separated the Vestmi from the territories of Adria and Picenum. 9 The vihage of Ofena, twelve miles north of Popoh, is supposed to retain the site of ancient Aufina. Numerous antiquities have been found lo'Cato in his ' Origines' stated that they were so called from the fact of their being descended from the Sabines. " The site of the town of Bovianum is occupied by the modern city ot Bojano ; the remauis of the walls are visible. Mommsen however con- siders Bojano to be the site of only Bovianum Undecumanorum, or " of the Eleventh Legion," and considers that the site of the ancient Sam- nite city of Bovianum Yetus is the place caUed Piettrabondante, near Agnone, twenty miles to the north, where there appear to be the remains of an ancient city.

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