montory of Leucopetra at a distance of fifteen miles ; after which come the Locri^, who take their surname from the promontory of Zephyrium^, being distant from the river Silarus 303 miles. At this spot ends the first '* great Gulf of Europe ; the seas in which bear the following names: — That from which it takes its rise is called the Atlantic, by some the Great Atlantic, the entrance of which is, by the Greeks, called Porthmos, by us the Straits of Gades. After its entrance, as far as it washes the coasts of Spain, it is called the Hispanian Sea, though some give it the name of the Iberian or Balearic* Sea. Where it faces the province of Gallia Narbonensis it has the name of the Gallic, and after that, of the Ligurian, Sea. From Liguria to the island of Sicily, it is called the Tuscan Sea, the same which is called by some of the Greeks the Notian^, by others the Tyrrhe- nian, while many of our people call it the Lower Sea. Beyond Sicily, as far as the country of the Salentini, it is styled by Polybius the Ausonian Sea. Eratosthenes how- over gives to the whole expanse that lies between the inlet of the ocean and the island of Sardinia, the name of the Sardoan Sea ; thence to Sicily, the Tyrrhenian ; thence to Crete, the Sicilian ; and beyond that island, the Cretan Sea. CHAP. 11. — SIXTT-FOUE ISLAT^^DS, AMONG WHICH ARE THE B ALE ARES- The first islands that we meet with in all these seas are 700 stadia. It produced the pitch for which Bruttium was so celebrated. Its site stni has the name of Sila. ^ Or Wliite Rock, now Capo dell' Armi. It forms the extremity of the Apennine Chain, 2 The site of the city of Locri is supposed to have been that of the present Motta di Burzano. 3 He says that they were called Epizephyrii, from the promontory of Zephyriimi, now the Capo di Burzano ; but according to others, they had this name only because their colony lay to the west of their native Greece. Strabo says that it was founded by the Locri Ozolse, and not the Opuntii, as most authors have stated. "* Tliis expression is explained by a reference to the end of the First Chapter of the present Book. •' Called by some the Canal de Baleares.
- Or Southern Sea.