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Clampetia formerly stood, the town of Temsa called Temese by the Greeks, aud Terina founded by the people of Crotona^, with tlie extensive Gulf of Terina ; jnore inland, the town of Consentia^. Situate upon a peninsula'* is the river Ache- ron', from which the people of Acherontia derive the name of theii' town ; then Hippo, now called Vibo A'^alentia, the Port of Hercules j the river Metaurus'^, the town of Tauroentum^, the Port of Orestes, and Medma^. Next, the town of Scyllseum^", the river Crataeis^^ the mother of Scylla it is said ; then the Pillar of Ehegium, the Straits of Sicily, and the two promontories which face each other, Csenys^^ on the Italian, and Pelorus^^ on the Sicilian side, the distance be- tween them being twelve stadia. At a distance thence of twelve miles and a half, we come to Ehegium^'*, after which begins Sila^*, a forest of the Apennines, and then the pro- of the modem Amantia. From other authors we find that it was still existing at this time. If such is the f^ict, the meaning will be " the place where the former municipal town of Clampetia stood," it being supposed to have lost in its latter years its mmiicipal privileges. ^ One of the ancient Ausonian towns, and afterwards colonized by the -^toHans. Like its namesake in Cyi^rus it was famous for its copper. Its site is now occupied by Torre di Lupi. 2 A Greek city, almost totally destroyed by Hannibal ; Santa Eufemia occupies its site. 3 One of the cities of the Bruttii ; now Cosenza.

  • The part which now constitutes the Farther Calabria.

^ Supposed to be the same as the Aix-onte, which falls into the Crathis near Consentia. Notliing is known of the town here alluded to, but it must not be confounded with Acherontia, the modem Acerenza, in Apuha, which was a ditierent place. ^ Supposed to have been the same as the modern port of Tropca. 7 The modern Marro. ^ Its ruins are supposed to be those seen near Palmi. ^ Probably the modem Meha stands on its site. '" A town on the promontory of the same name, now called Scilla or Sciglio, where the monster Scylla was fabled to have dwelt. ^^ Homer says (Odyssey, lii. 124), that it had its name from the nymph Cratseis, the mother of Scylla. It is probably the small stream now called Fiume (U Solano or dei Pesci. '- The modern Capo di Cavallo, according to the older commentators ; but more recent geographers think that the Punta del Pezzo was the point so called. '^ Now called Capo di Faro, from the lighthouse tliere erected. '"* Originally a Greek colony ; a Roman colony was settleil there by Augustus. The modem city of Reggio occupies its site. ^* It extended south of Consentia to the Sicilian Straits, a distance of VOL. I. P

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