Chap. 7.] ACCorxT or couktries, etc. 185
and the Alpine tribes, distinguished by various names but more especially the Capillati% Cemenelio^ a town of the state of the Yediantii, the port of Hercules Mona^cus'*, and the Ligurian coast. The more celebrated of the Ligurian tribes beyond the Alps are the Salluvii, the Deciates, and the Oxubii^ ; on this side of the Alps, the Yeneni^ and the Ya- gienni, Avho are derived from the Caturiges^, the Statielli^^ the Bimbelli^ the Magelli, the Euburiates, the Casmonates^", the Yeleiates", and the peoples whose towTis we shall describe as lying near the adjoining coast. The river Eutuba^", the town of Albiuni lutemelium^^, the river Merula'"*, the town of Albium Ingaunum^^, the port of Yadum Sabatiorum^, the river Porcifera^', the town of Grenua, the river Feritor^^, the Portus Delphini^^ Tigullia'-^", Tegesta'^ of the Tigullii, and the river Macra'-^, which is the boundary of Liguria. ^ Livy mentions four of these tribes, the Cclelates, the Cerdiciates, the Apuani, and the Friniatcs. 2 Or " Long-liaii-ed." Lucan, B. i. 1. 442, 3, refers to this characteristic of the Alpine Ligurians : Et nunc tonse Lignr, quondam per colla decora Crinibus effusis toti pra?late Comataj. 3 It is probably the riins of this place that are to be seen at the pre- sent day at Cimiez in the vicinity of jS'ice. ^ The modem Monaco. ^ These tribes have been ah-eady mentioned in c. 5, as belonging to the province of Gallia j^arbonensis. s It is supposed that they dwelt near the present Yinadio in Piedmont. 7 It is supposed that they inhabited the vicinity of the present town of Chorges, between Embrun and Gap. 8 They probably dwelt near the modem town of ^Vtontserrat. 9 They probably dwelt near the modern Biela, eight leagues Irom Yer- ceil in Piedmont. 10 Some writers place them near the modern city of Casale. " Their locahty is supposed by some writers to be near the present Cortemigha, five leagues fi-om the town of Alba. 12 IS^ow the Koya, flowing between very high banks. — Lucan, B. ii. 1. 422, speaks of the Rutuba as " Cavus," "flowing in deep cavities." 13 Probably the present A^intimiglia. ^* The modern Arozia. 15 The present town of Albenga. — Livy, B. xxix. c. 5, calls the inha- bitants AJbingauni. '^ Now called Vai or Ye, and Savona. 17 The modem Bisagna, which waters Genua, the modeni Genoa. 18 Now the Lavagna, which also washes Genoa. 19 "The Port of the Dolphin ;" now Porto Fino. 20 Probably the ruins called those of Tregesa or Trigoso are those of Ti"-ullia. 21 Now Sestri di Levante. ^ The modern Magra.