Cavari, Apta Julia^ in tliat of the Yolgientes, Alebece- in that of the Reii Apollinares, Alba^ in that of the Helvi, and An- gnsta'* in that of the Tricastini, Anatilia, Aeria^, the Bor- manni", the Comaci, Cabellio^, Carcasnm^ in tle territory of the Yolcae Tectosages, Cessero^, Carpentoracte ^" in the terri- tory of the Memini, the Cenicenses^', the Canibolectri^'^, sur- iiamed the Atlantici, Forum'^ Yoconi, Grhuunn Livi*"*, the Lutevani^^, also called the I'oroneronienses^, Nemausum^^'in ^ Apt, in the department of Yaucluse. - Kicz, in the department of the Basses Alpes. ^ The modern Alps, near Yiviers, is probably biult on the site of this town. The text sho^^'S that it was ditierent from Augusta, probably the Alba Augusta mentioned by Ptolemy, though D'AnvLUe supposes them to have been the same place. ■* Some vi'itei*s take this place to be the present Saint-Paul-Trois-Gia- teaux, in the department of the Drome. ' Probably so called from its lofty position, and supposed by D'Auville to have been situate on the modern Mont Ventoux, or " Windy Moun- tain." Other ^Titers place it at La Croix Haute, near the city of Avignon. ^ There is a village in the department of the Yar, six leagues from Toulon, called Bormes, not improbably from these people. ^ The modern Cavaillon, in the department of the Yaucluse. ^ 'Sow Carcassone, in the department of the Aude, ^ Probably Saint Tibery, on the river Heraidt. ^^ Now Carpentras. Ptolemy also makes mention of the Memini. ^* Probably situate on the river Ccenus of Ptolemy, between the eastern mouth of the Ehone and Massilia. Probably the name m Phny should be " Coenienses." '- Walckenaer places this people in the vicinity of Cambo, iii the arron- dissement of Bayonne, in the depai'tment of the Basses Pyrenees. ^^ In names similar to this, as Festus remarks, " Forum" has the mean- ing of " Market ;" nmch as that word is used as a compound in our names, such as IMarket Drayton, &c. Bouche thinks that by this place is meant the modern Le Canct : but D'Anville takes it to be Gonl'aron, a corruption, he thinks, of Yoconfaron from the Latin name. ^* The site of Glanum was about a mile to the south of the village of Saint Remi, between Cavaillon and Aries. On the spot there are the remains of a Roman mausoleum and a triumphal arch. ^•' The people of Luteva, now Loileve, in the department of the Herault. ^'^ " The people of Forum Neronis," which place lias been supposed by some to have been the same with Carpentoracte : D'Anville supposes For- calquier to liave been Forum JSeronis, while Walckenaer takes Momas to liave been that place. From the text it would appear to liave been identical with Luteva. ^7 The modern xSismes, which in its ruins contains abundant marks of its ancient splendour. The family of the .:jitouiues came from tins place. K 2