Chap. 4.] ACCOUNT or COUNTEIES, ETC. 167
going back from the foot of the Pyrenees, are the Ausetaui theLacetani^, and along the Pyrenees, the Cerretani^, next to whom are the Yascones^. On the coast is the colony of Barcino' surnamedFaventia; Baetulo^ and Iluro', towns with Pomau citizens; the river Larnum^, Blanda?^, the river Alba'"; Emporiie^', a city consisting of two parts, one peopled by the original inhabitants, the other by the Grreek descendants of the Pliocaeans ; and the river Ticher'^. From this to the Venus PjTen^a'^, on the other side of the Promontory, is a distance of forty miles. I shall now proceed to give an account of the more re- markable things in these several jurisdictions, in addition to those which have been already mentioned. Forty-three different peoples are subject to the jurisdiction of the courts of Tarraco : of these the most famous are — holding the rights of Roman citizens, the Dertusani^'* and the Bisgargfitani ; enjoying Latian rights, the Ausetani, and the Cerretani, both Julian and Augustan, the Edetani'^, the Grerundenses'^, the 1 Their chief cities were Gerunda, the present Gerona, and Ansa or Ticus Ausse, now Tic d'Osona. ^ i^ ^]^q country beyond Gerona. 3 Living in the upper valley of the river Sicoris or Segre, which still retains, from them, the name of Cerdague.
- The people of the modem Navarre and Guipuzcoa.
- In the later writers Barcelo, now Barcelona. It was said to have
been originally founded by Hercules, and afterwards rebuilt by Hamilcar Barcas, who gave it the name of liis family. Its name as a Roman colony was Colonia Faventia Juha Augusta Pia Barcino. The modern city stands somewhat to the east of the ancient one. ^ The modem Badalona, two leagues from Barcelona. 7 On the sea- shore, — the present Pineda. ^ Now the Tordera. 9 The modem city of Blanos stands on its site. ^^ Probably the pi'csent Ter or Tet. ^^ The modem Ampurias. We learn from Strabo that a wall divided the toMi of the Greeks from that of the old inhabitants. It was the usual landing-place for travellers from Gaul. It was originally colonized by the Phocaans from Massiha or Marseilles. ^2 Hardouin says that the Ticher or Tichis is the same with the modern Ter, but in such case Phny would have mentioned it before coming to Em- porise. Its present name however does not appear to be accurately known, ^3 A promontoi*j' extending from the Pyrcna>an chain, on which a temple of Venus was situate. It is now called Cabo de Cruz. The distance mentioned by Pliny is probably too great. ^* The people of the present Tortosa. '^ Probably not the same people as the Edetani, in whose district Sa- guntum and Valencia were situate. ^^ The people of Gerunda or Gerona.