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154j plint's KATXJEAL HISTOET, [Book III.

Spain, extending as far as tlie cliain of the Pyrenees. ^ The Farther Spain is divided lengthwise into two provinces, Lusitania^ and Baetica, the former stretching along the northern side of the latter, and being divided from it by the river Ana'^ The source of this river is in the district of Laminium , m the Nearer Spain. It first spreads out into a number of small lakes, and then again contracts itself into a narrow channel, or entirely disappears under ground^ and after frequently disappearing and again coming to light, finally dis- charges itself into the Atlantic Ocean. Tarraconensian Spain lies on one side, contiguous to the Pyrenees, running down- wards along the sides of that chain, and, stretching across from the Iberian Sea to the Gallic ocean^ is separated from Bsetica and Lusitania by Mount Solorius^ the chains of the Oretani^ and the Carpetani^, and that of the Astures^ CHAP. 3. — OP B^TICA. Bfetica, so called from the river which divides it in the middle, excels all the other provinces in the richness of its cultivation and the peculiar fertility and beauty of its vege- tation. It consists of four jurisdictions, those of Gades", of Cor- duba' of Astigi'-, and of Hispalis'l The total number of its towns is 175 ; of these nine are colonies ^^ and eight muni- 1 Corresponding nearly in extent with the present kingdom of Portugal. 2 Now aaudiana, a corruption of the Arabic Wadi Ana, " the riyer Ana." 3 According to Hardouin this place is the modem town of Montiel, but Pmet and D'Anville make it the same as Alhambra. ■* According to modern writers it conceals itself in this manner for a distance of fifteen miles. 5 From the Balearic Channel to the Grulf of G-ascony or Bay of Biscay. 6 Probably the Sierra Nevada is meant by this name ; Hardoum con- siders it the same as the Sierra de los Yertientes. 7 Probably the Sierra Morena. ^ The Monte de Toledo. 9 The Sierra de las Asturias. 10 The present Cadiz. It was originally a Phoenician colony. " Now Cordova. ^2 j^ow Ecija. ^^ Now Seville. 14 The Roman colonies or colonies " civium Romanorum" are those here meant. The colonists in such case enjoyed all the rights of Romao citizens, the town in wMch they lived being founded under the supervi- sion of the Roman magistracy.

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