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CHAP. 113. — THE haiimo:jtical propoetion of the UNIVERSE. . That harmonical proportion, whicli compels nature to be always consistent with itself, obliges us to add to the above measure, 12,000 stadia ; and this makes the earth one ninety-sixth part of the wliole universe. Summary. — The facts, statements, and observations con- tained in this Book amount in number to 417. EoMAN authors QUOTED. — M. Varro Sulpicius Gallus^, Titus Cajsar^ the Emperor, Q.Tubero^ TuUius Tiro^ L.Piso^ T. Livius, Cornelius Nepos^, Sebosus^, CseUus Antipater^", ^ Marcus Terentius Yarro. lie was born B.C. 116, espoused the cause of Pompey agamst Cfesar, and served as his Heutenant in Spain. He afterwards became reconciled to Csesar, and ched in the year B.C. 26. He is said to have wTitten 500 volumes, but nearly all liis works are lost (destroyed, it is said, by order of Pope Gregory YII.). His only re- mains are a Treatise on Agricidtiu-e, a Treatise on the Latin Tongue, and the fragments of a work called Analogia. 2 C. Sulpicius Gallus was Consul in the year 166 B.C. He wrote a Eoman History, and a work on the Echpscs of the Svm and Moon. 3 Titus Vespasianus, the Emperor, to whom Pliny dedicates his work. His poem is mentioned in c. 22 of this Book. See pages 1, 2, and 55 of tlie present volume. ■* It is most probable that Quintus -(Ehus Psetus Tubero is here meant. He was son-m-law, and, accorchng to Cicero, nephew of ^mihus Paulus, and Consul in the year B.C. 167. There are two other persons found mentioned of the name of Q. ^Ehus Tubero.

  • The freedman and amanuensis of Cicero. He was a man of great

learning, and was supposed to have invented short-hand. He also WTote a Life of Cicero. ^ Lucius Calpumius Piso Frugi. He was Consiil in the year B.C. 133, and was a stout opponent of the Gracclii. He wrote Annals of the History of Rome from the earliest periods. 7 Livy, the well-known Roman historian. 8 Hewas the intimate friend of Cicero,and wrote Clu'onicles or Annals, in three books, a Life of Cicero, and some other historical works. A work stiU exists, called " Lives of Eminent Commanders," which is ascribed some- times to lum and sometimes to one ^Emihus Probus, a writer of the reign of Theodosius. The latter probably abridged the original work of Nepoa. 9 Statins Sebosus. He is mentioned by Cicero as the friend of Catidus. He wrote a work called the " Periplus," and another on the Wonders of India. 1" A Eoman historian and lawyer, who flourished about B.C. 124. He wrote a Book of Annals, m which was contained a valuable account of the Second Pmiic war. This work was epitomized by Brutus and held in high estimation by the Emperor Adrian.

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