Chap. 41.] IlSTLrElS'CE OF THE SEASONS. 67
they are impelled by the force of any of the planets, or ex- cited by the impulse of their rays ; as we find to be the case with respect to the Sucul8e which the Greeks, in reference to their rainy nature, have termed the Hyades^ There are also certain events which occur spontaneously, and at stated periods, as the rising of the E:ids^ ^ The star Arcturus scarcely ever rises without storms of hail occurring. CHAP. 40. (40.)— OF THE EISIIfG OF THE DOG-STAE. Wlio is there that does not know that the vapour of the sun is kindled by the rising of the Dog-star ? The most powerful effects are felt on the earth from this star. When it rises, the seas are troubled, the wines in our cellars fer- ment, and stagnant waters are set in motion. There is a wild beast, named by the Egyptians Oryx, which, when the star rises, is said to stand opposite to it, to look steadfastly at it, and then to sneeze, as if it were worshiping it^ There is no doubt that dogs, during the whole of this period, are peculiarly disposed to become rabid CHAP. 41. (41.) — OF THE EEGTJLAB INFLUENCE OF THE DIF- FEEENT SEASONS. There is moreover a peculiar influence in the different degrees of certain signs, as in the autumnal equinox, and also' in the winter solstice, when we find that a particular star is connected with the state of the weather^ It is not so much the recurrence of showers and storms, as of various circumstances, which act both upon animals and vegetables. Some are planet-struck^ and others, at stated times, are af- fected in the bowels, the sinews, the head, or the intellect. 1 The diminutive of Su3. ^ ^ Ab vw, pluo. » The Haedi were in the constellation Auriga.
- We have the same account of the Orj^ in ^Han, hb. vu. cap. 8.
5 Our author again refers to this opuiion, viii. 63, and it was generally adopted by the ancients ; but it appears to be entii-ely unfounded. 6 " cum tempestatibus confici sidus inteUigimus." ^ « afflantur." On this teinn Hardouin remarks, " Siderantur. Side- ratio morbi genus est, partem aliquam corporis, ipsuinque saepe totuin corpus percuticntis subito : quod quum repentino cveniat impetu, e coelo vi quadam sideris evenire putatur." Lemaire, i. 317. p2