The Moral Pirates.
digging a trench around it," said Tom. "If I'd dug a trench two inches deep just back of that tent, not a drop of water would have run into it."
"And I don't think much of the plan of using only four pins to hold a tent down when a hurricane is coming on," said Joe.
"And I think the least said by a fellow who carries two pounds of powder in his pocket in a thunder-storm the better," added Jim.
It took some time to bale the water out of the boat, for the rain and the spray from the river had half -filled it. But the shower had cooled the air, and the boys were glad to be at work again after their confinement in the tent. They were soon ready to start ; and, rowing easily and steadily, they passed through the Highlands, and reached a nice camping spot on the east bank of the river below Poughkeepsie, before half-past five.
This time they selected a place to pitch the tent with great care. It was easy to find the high-water mark on the shore, and the tent was pitched a little