The Moral Pirates.
to read rubbish; but it doesn't follow because a boy reads stories about piracy, that he wants to commit murder and robbery. I didn't want to kill anybody: I wanted to be a moral and benevolent pirate. But here comes Harry across the lawn. What will you give me if I will find something for him to do this summer that will make him forget all about piracy?"
"I only wish you would. Tell me what your plan is."
"Come here a minute, Harry," said Uncle John. "Now own up; do you like books about pirates?"
"Well, yes, uncle, I do."
"So did I when I was your age. I thought it would be the best fun in the world to be a Red Revenger of the Seas."
"Wouldn't it, though!" exclaimed Harry. "I don't mean it would be fun to kill people, and to steal watches, but to have a schooner of your own, and go cruising everywhere, and have storms and—and—hurricanes, you know."