Hymn 5. Eternal Power, whose high abode. ISAAC WATTS, D.D. (3).
The conclusion to Horae Lyricae, 1706.
It appeared in Wesley s Psalms and Hymns, 1743. He altered length in ver. I to lengths, and changed Thy dazzling beauties while he sings into Thee, while the first archangel sings.
The second stanza was omitted
The lowest step above Thy seat
Rises too high for Gabriel s feet ;
In vain the tall archangel tries
To reach Thine height with wondering eyes.
Dr. Beaumont gave out the lines
Thee, while the first archangel sings, He hides his face behind his wings,
in Waltham Street Chapel, Hull, on Sunday morning, January 2 3> 1 %5S It was rt 16 Sunday-school anniversary, and after some inquiry as to the schools, he went into the pulpit and gave out the second verse of the hymn with solemn feeling. As the congregation sang the second line he fell down lifeless in the pulpit.
Hymn 6. Conie, sound His praise abroad. ISAAC WATTS, D.D. (3).
Psalm xcv. from The Psalms of David, 1719. It is headed A Psalm before Sermon, and closes with two other verses
But if your ears refuse The language of His grace, And hearts grow hard, like stubborn Jews, That unbelieving race ;
The Lord, in vengeance drest, Will lift His hand and swear, You that despise My promis d rest Shall have no portion there.
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