��5 2 9
��FitzGerald, Edward, 494 Fletcher, John, his wedding-day,
82, 385; in Switzerland, 160 ;
at Everton, 174; influence in
conversation, 199; his death,
234; opinion of T. Olivers, 242;
C. Wesley s theology, 268 ;
Christian perfection, 314, 369;
at Trevecca College, 318 ; girls
school, 474
Fletcher, Mrs., her death, 341 Frederick the Great, 288 Friedrich the Wise, 307 Friedrich Wilhelm I, funeral
hymn, 260 Fuller, Thomas, 52 Funeral hymns, 409 Furneaux, Dean, 72
GALI.IENNE, Richard le, 259 Gardiner, Colonel, 46, 103, 130,
Garrett, Charles, 235 Gellert s Fables, 150 George, King of Tonga, 394 German emigrants, i German hymnody, n, 33, 72;
Te Deum, 56 ; first hymn-hook,
Gibbons, Dr. T., 87 Gill, W. Wyatt, Karatongan
missionary, 215 Gladstone, W. K., 85, 258, 263,
305, 414, 434
Glasgow Prison incident, 225 Gloria in Excelsis, 53 Goethe, 431
Golden Canon, The, 153 Golden Sequence, The, 181 Good, Dr. John Mason, 63, 223 Gordon, General, at Khartoum, 85 Gospel Magazine, 255, 256 Gough, John B., 403 Gounod, 91, 432, 446 Gratitude, 99 Great Bible of 1539, 492 Greek hymnody, 21 Green, John Richard, 178 Green, Richard, 6, 197, 419 Gregorian Antiphonary, 24 Gregory, Dr. A. E., 112, 155,
166, 186, 197, 198, 450 Gregory, Dr. B., 162, 206, 233,
25 . 2 75 33 6 . 3 S6 403, 424
��Grimshaw, Mr., 421 Grotius, death of, 211 Gustavus Adolphus, 288 Gwennap Pit, 173
HAIMK, John, in the army, 337
Hallelujah, use of, 147, 150. See ALLELUIA.
Hammond, E. P., 223
Handel, 171, 199
Hannah, Dr., and James Mont gomery, 101
Harcourt, Archbishop, 145
Hardcastle, C. D., 74, 198, 310
Harry Wadsworth Club, 193
Ilartopp, Sir John, 44
Havcrgal, Frances Ridley, her death, 115; first hymn, 220 : conversion, 221 : favourite hymn, 258 ; origin of Take my life, 325
Hawker, R. h., vicar of Morwen- stow, 405
Ilawtrey, Captain, 468
Hebcr, Bishop, 126, 133, 250
Heine, Heinrich, 194, 287
Hick, Sammy, 82, 163, 238, 407
Hill, Rowland, 241
Hitchens, Samuel, 424
1 luby, James, 290
llolman Hunt s Light of the World, 204
Hopkins, John, 26, 52
Horder, W. Garrett, 72, 90, 349,
443, 4?o Howitt, W., 102
Howley, Bishop, and Heber s
hymn-book, 66 Hughes, Hugh Price, in Hughes, John, description of
Gideon Ouseley, 266 Huntingdon, Countess of, 44, 84,
245. 255 Hymn, definitions of, 18 ; origin,
Hymn-pamphlets, 6 Hymn-singing and revivals, 32
IGNATIUS, 142 Ingelow, Jean, 203, 204 Innocent III, Pope, 181, 272
JACKSON, Thomas, 5, 55, 69, 173, 242, 277, 334
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