Browne, Sir Thomas, 458 Buckley, James, last words, 236 Bunting, Jabez, 174. 2 75. 37 Bunting, William M., 199 Burgess, W. P., 420 Butterworth, R., 106 Buzacott, Mr., of Raratonga, 215 Byrom, Dr., 312 Byron, Lord, 18, 279, 435
Cairns, Earl, 441
Calvin, 27
Calvinistic controversy, bo
Campbell, Dr. John, and The
Rivulet, 1 88 1 Cantate Domino, 494 Caswall, Edward, 36 Cennick, John, 101, 162 Chalmers, Dr., 89 Charlestown Collection of Psalms
and Hymns, I Cheetham s Hospital, Manchester,
Chevy Chace measure, 20 Children s hymns, 32 Choate, J. H., American Ambas sador, 409
Christophers, S. W., 75 Church, Dean, 433 Church s song, development oi, 37 Clark, Dr. F. E., 406 Clarke, Dr. Adam, 166, 200, 425,
Clichtovaeus, 182 Cobden, Richard, 265 Coke, Dr., death at sea, 358 Coleridge, Hartley, 93 Collins, Mortimer, 41 Collyer, Dr. W. B., 91, 279 Commandments, The Ten, 495 Committee of Revision, 12 Conder, Josiah, 46 Conference, Hymn for opening,
Covenant Service, 385, 386 Coverdale, 28
Cowper, William, conversion, 192; hymn on Divine Providence, 298 ; prayer, 374 Cranswick, Matthew, 235 Creamer, David, 341 Crockett, S. R., 98, i4 Crossman, Samuel, 30
��Crowther, Jonathan, 100 Curnock, Nehemiah, 253
DAWSON, William, death of, 295 Delamotte, Jack, 119 Dempster, Dr., 47 Deus Misereatur, 495 Dickens, Charles, 247 Dies Irae, 34, 43 1 > 434 Doddridge, Dr., 46, 196, 408 Donne, Dr., 29 Downes, John, death of, 228 Draper, D. J., in sinking ship, 146 Drummond, Prof. H., and Oliver
Wendell Holmes, 61 ; hymns
sung before dying, 282 Dryden, tribute to George Sandys,
94 ; and Bishop Ken, 457 Duffield, Dr., in Dykes, Dr., Dominus regit me,
91 ; St. Aelred, 133; St.
Bees, 263 ; Pax Dei, 355 ;
Requiescat, 427
EARTHQUAKE hymns, 436 Eastern hymnody, landmarks in,
Edward VII, 104, 230, 270 Eilenburg during the Thirty Years
War, 56
Eliot, George, 292, 462. See MORRIS, DINAH, and EVANS, MRS. S. Ellerton, Canon, 8, 90, 102, 104,
259, 264, 384, 412, 433, 467 Elven, C., advice to Spurgeon, 212 English hymnody, turning-point in, 2 ; and English Reformers, 25 ; cradle of, 29 ; its founder, 46
Entwisle, Joseph, 237 Ephrem the Syrian, 21 Epworth, relic of the great fire,
140 Evangelical Revival, its beginning,
5 ; the birth-song of, 231 Evans, Mrs. Samuel, death of,
105, 137, 144 Ewing, Mrs., 410
Farrar, A. E., 146
Festival hymns, 4
Fison, Bishop, at Yokohama, 409
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