��{The figures in this index refer to the pages, not to the hymns)
��ABELARD, Peter, 427
Abney, Sir Thomas, 44
Adam of St. Victor, 24
Albert, Prince, 257, 436
Albigenses, 272
Alcock, W. G., Chapel Royal,
164 Alexander, W., Earl of Stirling,
Alford, D. P., 98 Alfred, King, and Aldhelm, 24 Allan, T. R., 109, 186, 232, 304 Alleluia, The, 19, 63. See
HALLELUJAH. Allen, Dr. T., 206 Ambrose, St., 22, 461, 492 American Civil War, 112 Andrew, St., of Crete, 21 Anthem, The, 27 Antiphonal singing, 19 Aquinas, Thomas, 24, 323 Arnold, Dr., and 7 he Christian
Year, 96
Arnold, Matthew, 144 Arthur, William, and Gideon
Ouseley, 266 ; last message to
Dr. Rigg, 315 ; Dr. Punshon
at Cannes, 334 Augustine, St., 22, 193, 265, 315,
BAKER, Sir H. W., 122, 327,466 Bakewell, J., links with early
Methodism, 158; and Thomas
Olivers, 242
Barnby, Sir)., 154, 483, 487 Barton, William, 229 Baxter, Richard, 30, 353 Beatitudes, 496
��Beaumont, Dr., his death, 48 ; at A. E. Farrar s death-bed, 146
Beecher, Dr. Lyman, last words, Hi
Beecher, Henry Ward, 37, in
Belcher, Dr., story of converted actress, 210
Bell, G., the ex-Life Guardsman, 76
Bellamy, G., death in Dcmerara, 414
Benedict, 23
Benedictus, 493
Bennett, G., letter from Mont gomery, 177
Benson, Joseph, 318
Benson, Mrs., 174
Bernard, St., of Clairvaux, 34, 142, 427, 438
Berridge, John, 174
Beveridge, Bishop, 27, 54
Bible Society s Centenary, 169
Bickersteth, Bishop, 205, 247, 269,
270, 3 2 7 347 Bohler, Peter, 39, 72, 88 Boston, Mass., introduction of
Methodism into, 197 Boston s Fourfold State, 158 Bowden, George, 313 Bradburn, Samuel, 275, 332 Bray, Mr., 140, 231 Brevint, Dr., 256, 323, 381, 407 Bridge, Sir Frederick, 14, 419,
477, 496
Bright, John, 414, 418 Bronte, Charlotte, 273, 413, 415 Brooke, W. T., I, 32, 252 Brown, John, of Harper s Ferry,
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