< Page:The Methodist Hymn-Book Illustrated.djvu
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Great God, whose universal sway . . Dr. Watts . 766

Great is our redeeming Lord C. Wesley . 672

Great is the Lord our God . , . Dr. Watts . 652

Guide me, O Thou great Jehovah . . W.Williams . 615

Hail ! Father, Son, and Holy Ghost . . C. Wesley . 47

Hail ! holy, holy, holy Lord C. Wesley . 34

Hail the day that sees Him rise C. Wesley . 181

Hail, Thou once despised Jesus . . /. Kakewell . 189

Hail to the Lord s Anointed . . . Montgomery . 206

Happy man whom God dotli aid . . C. Wesley . 77

Happy soul that free from harms . . C. Wesley . 390

Happy soul, thy days are ended . . C. \VesLy . 832

Happy soul who sees the day C. Wesley . 371

Happy the heart where graces reign . . Dr. Watts . 577

Happy the man that finds the grace . . C. Wesley . 295

Happy the souls that first believed . . C. ll esley . 709

Happy the souls to Jesus joined C. IVesley . 801

Hark ! a voice divides the sky C. Wesley . 828 Hark ! hark, my soul ! angelic songs are swelling Dr. F. W.

Fabcr 620

Hark, how the watchmen cry C. Wesley . 447

Hark, my soul ! it is the Lord . . . Cmuper . . 417

Hark the glad sound, the Saviour comes . Dr. JJoddridgc 139

Hark! the herald-angels sing . . . C. ll\-sl,y . 122

Hark! the sound of holy voices . . Up. Wordsiuorth Sio

Hark! the voice of Jesus crying . . Dr. March . 609

He dies ! the Friend of sinners dies . . Dr. Watts . 171

He is gone beyond the skies . . . Dean Stanley . 184

He wills that I should holy be C. Wesley . 556

Head of Thy Church triumphant . . C. tt esiey . 386

Head of Thy Church, whose Spirit fills . C. Wesley . 772

Heal us, Immanuel ; hear our prayer . . Cowper . . 145

Hear Thou my prayer, O Lord . . Dr. B. If. Kennedy 509

Hear us, O Lord, from heaven, Thy dwelling-place W. H. Gill 947

Hearken to the solemn voice C . Wesley . 839

Heavenly Father, sovereign Lord . . C. Wesl,y . 3^1

Heavenly Father, Thou hast brought us . Mrs. Hawkins 629

Help, Lord, to whom for help I fly . C. Wesley . 444

Here, Lord, assembled in Thy name . . F.. Boaden . 956

Here, O my Lord, I see Thee face to face . Dr. Honor , 735

High in the heavens, eternal God . . Dr. Watts . 79

His name is Jesus Christ the Just . . C. Wesley . 153

Ho! every one that thirsts, draw nigh . C. H esley . 271

Holy, and true, and righteous Lord . . C. IVesley . 549

Holy as Thou, O Lord, is none C. ll esley . 46

Holy Father, cheer our way .../ . //. Robinson 647

Holy Ghost, Illuminator .... Bp. IVordsworth 188

Holy Ghost ! my Comforter . . Latin, trans, by Miss

H r inkworth 237

Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty . Bp. lleber . 28

Holy Lamb, who Thee confess C. Wesley . 600

Holy Lamb, who Thee receive Anna Dober, trans, lyj. Wesley 534

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