Come, Thou Fount of every blessing , . R. Robinson . 377
Come, Thou high and lofty Lord . . C. Wesley . 741
Come, Thou long-expected Jesus . . C. Wesley . 198
Come, Thou omniscient Son of Man . . C, Wesley . 704
Come to our poor nature s night ... 6". Rawson . 238
Come unto Me, ye weary .... IV. C. Dix . 287
Come, Wisdom, Power, and Grace divine . C. Wesley . 696
Come, ye sinners, poor and wretched . . J. Hart . . 280
Come, ye thankful people, come . . . Dean Alford . 942
Come, ye that love the Lord . . . Dr. Watts . 294
Come, ye weary sinners, come C, Wesley . 279
Comfort, ye ministers of grace C. Wesley . 477
Commit thou all thy griefs . . Gerhardt, trans, by J. Wesley 480
Cradled in a manger, meanly G. S. Rowe . 130
Creator Spirit ! by whose aid . . Latin, trans, by Dry den 228
Crown Him with many crowns . . . Dr. Thring . 208
Day after day I sought the Lord . . . Archd. Hare . 357
Day by day we magnify Thee J. Ellerton . 892
Day is dying in the west .... Miss Lathbury 924
Day of wrath ! O day of mourning . . Thomas of Celano,
trans, by Dr. Irons 844
Days and moments quickly flying . E. Cos-wall and others 837
Dear is the day which God hath made . . W. M. Bunting 638
Dear Lord and Father of mankind . . J. G. Whittier 410
Deepen the wound Thy hands have made . C. Wesley . 540
Depth of mercy ! can there be . . C. Wesley . 308
Dismiss me not Thy service, Lord . . T. T. Lynch . 606
Disposer Supreme, and Judge of the earth . J. B. de Santeiiil,
trans, by I. Williams 757
Drooping soul, shake off thy fears . . C. Wesley . 498
Earth, rejoice, our Lord is King C. Wesley . 212
Earth, with all thy thousand voices . . Archd. Churton 8
Entered the holy place above C. Wesley . 192
Equip me for the war C. Wesley . 435
Ere God had built the mountains . . Cowper . . 60
Ere I sleep, for every favour J. Cennick . 926
Eternal Beam of light divine C. Wesley . 474
Eternal depth of love divine . Zinzendorf, trans, by J. Wesley 69
Eternal Father ! strong to save . . . W. Whiting . 967
Eternal Light ! eternal light . . . Dr. Binney . 51
Eternal Lord of earth and skies C. Wesley . 775
Eternal Power, whose high abode . . Dr. Watts . 5
Eternal Son, eternal Love ...._/. Wesley . 43
Eternal Source of every joy . . . Dr. Doddridge 933
Eternal Spirit, come C. Wesley . 241
Eternal, spotless Lamb of God /. Wesley . 44
Eternal Wisdom ! Thee we praise . . Dr. Watts . 49
Every morning mercies new . . . G. Phillimore . 906
Every morning the red sun . . . Mrs. Alexander 873
Except the Lord conduct the plan . . C. Wesley . 599
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