Hymn 956. Here, Lord, assembled in Thy name.
Mr. Boaden was born at Helston, 1827 ; entered the ministry of the United Methodist Free Church in 1849; became Chapel Secretary, 1864-92 ; President, 1871. He wrote a Memoir of Rev. R. Chew, 1896. This temperance hymn is one of two contributed to Methodist Free Church Hymns, 1889, in the compilation of which he took a leading part. Mr. Boaden signed the pledge in 1838, and has taken a lively interest in all temperance questions from his youth.
Hymn 957. Onward, brothers, onward!
The writer cannot be traced.
Hymn 958. O Lord of hosts, the fight is long.
ELLA S. ARMITAGE (886). Written at the request of the Rev. W. Garrett Horder.
Hymn 959. There s a glorious work before us.
CHARLES GARRETT (1823-1900).
Mr. Garrett was born at Shaftesbury, entered the Wesleyan ministry in 1849, and was the founder of the Liverpool Mission. He became a power in the life of the , city. He waged war against insanitary areas, demoralizing amusements, and especially the drink traffic. He carried in his heart the burdens of the people. As a preacher he never failed to charm and help his hearers. His name will always be identified with the temperance movement, to which this hymn is consecrated. He was President of the Wesleyan Conference in 1882.
Hymn 960. The voice that breathed o er Eden. JOHN KEBLE, M.A. (85).
Keble s last hymn, written by special request for the Salisbury Hymn-book^ 1857. In Keble s Miscellaneous Poems it is headed, Holy Matrimony. To be sung at the Commencement of the Service. It is dated July 12, 1857.
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