Hymn 717. Abide among us with Thy grace.
JOSHUA STEGMANN, D.D. ; translated by Miss WINKWORTH
Ach bleib mit deiner Gnade appeared in his Suspiria Temporu?n t 1628, as a Closing Hymn. Its keynote is the Abide with us of Luke xxiv. It was a favourite hymn of Friedrich Wilhelm IV of Prussia.
Miss Winkworth s translation is in her Lyra Germamca, 2nd Series, 1858.
The writer was the son of a Lutheran pastor at Siilzfeld. He was born in 1588, trained at Leipzig University, and became Professor of Theology at Rinteln in 1621. The out break of war compelled him to leave his post, and after his return the Benedictine monks claimed the property formerly belonging to the nunnery, which had been devoted to paying the stipends of the Lutheran professors. They sent soldiers to Stegmann s house to demand that he should refund his salary, and annoyed him in every way. Soon after he was seized with fever, and died in 1632.
��Hymn 718. Jesus, with Thy church abide.
THOMAS B. POLLOCK, M.A. (253), and others. In Hymns Ancient and Modern, 1875. For the Church.
Hymn 719. How large the promise, how divine.
Hymns and Spiritual Songs t 1 709. Abraham s blessing on the Gentiles. Gen. xvii. 7 ; Mark x. 14. Some happy revisions have been made. In ver. 2 the word of His extensive love is changed to unbounded. 1
Hymn 720. See Israel s gentle Shepherd stand. PHILIP DODDRIDGE (95).
Published 1 75 5, headed Christ s condescending regard to little children.
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