The last two verses are omitted. Some interesting changes were made in the Large Hymn-book. The original readings are
Ver. I. Grateful, unceasing sacrifice.
Ver. 3. The work of faith with power fulfil.
Ver. 4. And pure as God Himself is pure.
Ver. 6. And wash and make us throughly clean, And change, and wholly sanctify.
Ver. 7. And free from every touch of blame.
No wonder John Wesley regretted that his brother had not given him the opportunity of touching ver. 4 before the 1749 volumes appeared.
Hymn 709. Happy the souls that first believed.
Hymns and Sacred Poems, 1749; Works, v. 479. Primitive Christianity. First published at the end of Wesley s Earnest Appeal,
This is from Part I., verses I, 2, 6, 7, II, 12, 13. See Hymn 700, which is from Part II.
On July u, 1751, Charles Wesley dined at Darlaston, once the scene of the fiercest persecution. He says, The people are a pattern to the flock
Meek, simple followers of the Lamb ; They live and speak and think the same.
By their patience and steadfastness of faith, they have conquered their fiercest adversaries. God gives them rest, and they walk in His fear and comforts, increasing daily both in grace and number. The Society was all in a flame of love.
��Hymn 710. Jesus, Lord, we look to Thee.
Hymns and Sacred Poems, 1749 > Works, v. 52. For a Family. Ver. 4. Let us each for other care,
Each his brother s burden bear,
has been happily touched by John Wesley.
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