Hymn 697. Centre of our Lopes Thou art. CHARLES WESLEY (i).
Hymns and Sacred Poems, 1749; Works, v. 426. For Christian Friends, No. 16.
The first verse is omitted
Author of the peace unknown,
Lover of my friend and me, Who of twain hast made us one,
One preserve us still in Thee, All our heighten d blessings bless, Crown our hopes with full success.
Charles Wesley wrote, Fill us now with holy fires. Cemented by love divine was felicitously changed in 1904 into Joined in one by love divine.
Hymn 698. Jesus, Thou sovereign Lord of all.
Hymns and Sacred Poems, 1749 ; Works, \. 174. The fourth of a series of six hymns, headed Desiring to Pray. Five verses are omitted.
Charles Wesley s last line was daring And, if Thou canst, deny the rest.
Hymn 699. Shepherd divine, our wants relieve.
Hymns and Sacred Poems, 1 749 ; Works, v. 1 76. Desiring to Pray. Hymn 5.
Hymn 700. Jesus, from whom all blessings flow.
Hymns and Sacred Poems, 1749; Works, v. 481. Primitive Christianity. This hymn is Part II., verses I, 2, 6, 10, II.
Charles Wesley wrote, From every sinful wrinkle free in ver. 5. The hymn was first published at the close of Wesley s Earnest Appeal to Men of Reason and Religion, 1743.
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